1 Instructional Materials and Their Modification How to select programs and materials to meet the special needs of your students.
2 Types of Math Programs Developmental Basals Specific-Skill Programs Programs for Low-Performing Students
3 Developmental Basals Advantage Comprehensive scope and sequence of skills Disadvantages Lack adequate amount of practice and review, due to spiral design Lack specific instructions for teacher
4 Specific-Skill Programs Advantage Likely to include adequate practice to facilitate mastery. Disadvantage Lack of comprehensiveness (scope and sequence). Teacher must ensure review of previously taught skills.
5 Programs for Low-Performing Students Advantage May be marketed for at-risk students or students with disabilities Disadvantage Often poorly constructed, lacking adequate: practice teacher instruction scope and sequence
6 Program Evaluation Instructional strategies Sequence of skills Example selection Amount of practice and review
7 Instructional Strategies A good strategy teaches only the skill intended without leading to misinterpretation. Students need to be guided through a strategy. Students need explicit steps to apply to a variety of problems. Teach only one strategy for a given skill.
8 Sequence of Skills Sequence often contributes to the amount of difficulty students will experience. Skills that may be confused easily should not be introduced consecutively. Preskills must be taught with adequate practice.
9 Example Selection Practice problems should be carefully controlled. Students need a variety to problems to practice when a strategy should be applied. Worksheets should include the new skill along with previously taught skills for review and discrimination practice.
10 Practice and Review Enough practice should be provided to allow students to reach mastery. Enough review should be included to facilitate retention of previously learned skills. Massed practice should be provided after a complex or difficult problem type is taught.
11 Modifying Math Programs Try to make modifications before using the program. Keep student performance levels in mind when determining the need for modifications. Low-performing students are likely to require extensive modifications.
12 Five Steps in Modifying an Instructional Unit Set priority objectives and levels of mastery. Select problem-solving strategies. Construct teaching formats for the major skills (and preskills if necessary) Select practice examples. Design worksheets or select pages of the text to review previously taught skills.
13 Set Priority Objectives and Levels of Mastery Examine the problem types presented in the unit. Decide which problem types to delete, delay teaching, or include in the unit. Concentrate on the most essential grade-level skills. Consider accuracy and fluency when determining mastery levels.
14 Select Strategies Determine the relative efficiency of the strategy. Easy to learn Apply to a range of related problems Determine whether the strategy is similar to that taught by other teachers in the school. Allow for continuity between grade levels.
15 Construct Formats Begin with a carefully designed teacher demonstration Guided practice Supervised practice Independent practice
16 Select Examples for Practice and Review Allow enough practice for mastery. Include a review of previously taught strategies to help students determine when a new strategy is appropriate. After mastery of the new skill is achieved, include systematic review on subsequent worksheets.