Feb. 27, 2001CSci Clark University1 CSci 250 Software Design & Development Lecture #13 Tuesday, Feb. 27, 2001
Feb. 27, 2001CSci Clark University2 Class Format for Today §Announcements §Questions §Review for Midterm exam §Course evaluation forms
Feb. 27, 2001CSci Clark University3 Announcements §Return: Functional Specifications A Job Well Done! §Handout: UML Class diagrams l What can you tell me about them? §Reminder: Design documents due Thursday, March 15th
Feb. 27, 2001CSci Clark University4 Questions? §From last time: l Object Design §About Design Assignment §About Rational Rose §About Content Index §Anything else? (Last chance before exam!)
Feb. 27, 2001CSci Clark University5 Review for Midterm From Readings & Lectures
Feb. 27, 2001CSci Clark University6 Format of Exam §Closed book, closed notes §Some short answer questions: 1 or 2 sentences §Some true/false and multiple choice questions §Some UML diagram questions: maybe with numbered parts, which you define; maybe some missing details which you supply. §Mostly focus will be on software engineering concepts: terminology & definitions
Feb. 27, 2001CSci Clark University7 Warning: §Following slides should be treated as review §If there’s something you don’t understand or don’t remember, go back & look it up §No guarantee that the items on these slides will or will not appear on the exam. §Only indicate types of concepts you are expected to know.
Feb. 27, 2001CSci Clark University8 Chapter 1: Intro. To SW Eng. §What is Software Engineering? §Why do we need it? Why is it important? §Terminology, methodologies l Modeling: problem Vs. solution domains l Complexity & Abstraction l Process: phases of SW development l Rationale Management l Work Product
Feb. 27, 2001CSci Clark University9 Chapter 2: UML §What is modeling? What is its purpose? §Terminology: Concepts, phenomena, etc. §UML diagrams covered in Chapter 2: l Use Case diagrams l Class diagrams l Sequence diagrams l Statechart diagrams l Activity diagrams
Feb. 27, 2001CSci Clark University10 Chapter 3: Communication §Why do we need it? Why is it difficult? §Types of communication activities: l Requirements elicitation l Reviews l Walkthroughs l Status meetings l etc.
Feb. 27, 2001CSci Clark University11 Chapter 4: Requirements §What are Requirements? Why do we need them? What goes into Req’s document? §Functional Vs. Non-functional requirements §Identifying actors, scenarios, etc. §Objectives and success criteria
Feb. 27, 2001CSci Clark University12 From Lecture: Func. Specs. §What are Functional Specifications for? §What goes into FS document? §What is the outcome of the FS phase of software development? §Purpose of Prototype / Mock-up §Possible dangers of producing a prototype
Feb. 27, 2001CSci Clark University13 Chapter 5: Analysis §What is the purpose of Analysis? §What are various analysis models? §Analysis terminology: l Entity, boundary, control objects l Association, multiplicity l Attributes, generalization §Heuristics for identifying analysis concepts
Feb. 27, 2001CSci Clark University14 Chapter 6: System Design §What is the purpose of System Design? §What are steps to producing system design? §Terminology: l Services Vs. Interfaces l Coupling & Coherence l Layering & Partitioning l Data management, Access control l Control flow, Boundary conditions
Feb. 27, 2001CSci Clark University15 Chapter 7: Object Design §What is the purpose of Object Design? How does it differ from System Design? §What are Object Design activities? §Application objects Vs. Solution objects §Terminology: l types, signatures, visibility l preconditions, postconditions, invariants
Feb. 27, 2001CSci Clark University16 Course Evaluation Forms §Volunteer to collect completed forms & return them to my office §Only filling out at end of course doesn’t give me a chance to make improvements §Use the back for comments - good or bad §Constructive criticism would be helpful §Feedback after Spring break
Feb. 27, 2001CSci Clark University17 For Next Time: Good luck on Midterm Exam!