Interpersonal Relations: Effects of Color on Emotions When Dealing With Interpersonal Conflict Michelle Flake Undergraduate Psychology Major Fort Lewis College Durango, Colorado
Interpersonal Relations: Effects of Color on Emotions When Dealing With Interpersonal Conflict Michelle Flake Undergraduate Psychology Major Fort Lewis College Durango, Colorado
Interpersonal Relations: Effects of Color on Emotions When Dealing With Interpersonal Conflict Michelle Flake Undergraduate Psychology Major Fort Lewis College Durango, Colorado
Interpersonal Relations: Effects of Color on Emotions When Dealing With Interpersonal Conflict Michelle Flake Undergraduate Psychology Major Fort Lewis College Durango, Colorado
Interpersonal Relations: Effects of Color on Emotions When Dealing With Interpersonal Conflict Michelle Flake Undergraduate Psychology Major Fort Lewis College Durango, Colorado
Interpersonal Relations: Effects of Color on Emotions When Dealing With Interpersonal Conflict Michelle Flake Undergraduate Psychology Major Fort Lewis College Durango, Colorado
Interpersonal Relations: Effects of Color on Emotions When Dealing With Interpersonal Conflict Michelle Flake Undergraduate Psychology Major Fort Lewis College Durango, Colorado
Interpersonal Relations: Effects of Color on Emotions When Dealing With Interpersonal Conflict Michelle Flake Undergraduate Psychology Major Fort Lewis College Durango, Colorado
Interpersonal Relations: Effects of Color on Emotions When Dealing With Interpersonal Conflict Michelle Flake Undergraduate Psychology Major Fort Lewis College Durango, Colorado
Interpersonal Relations: Effects of Color on Emotions When Dealing With Interpersonal Conflict Michelle Flake Undergraduate Psychology Major Fort Lewis College Durango, Colorado
Interpersonal Relations: Effects of Color on Emotions When Dealing With Interpersonal Conflict Michelle Flake Undergraduate Psychology Major Fort Lewis College Durango, Colorado
Interpersonal Relations: Effects of Color on Emotions When Dealing With Interpersonal Conflict Michelle Flake Undergraduate Psychology Major Fort Lewis College Durango, Colorado
Interpersonal Relations: Effects of Color on Emotions When Dealing With Interpersonal Conflict Michelle Flake Undergraduate Psychology Major Fort Lewis College Durango, Colorado
Interpersonal Relations: Effects of Color on Emotions When Dealing With Interpersonal Conflict Michelle Flake Undergraduate Psychology Major Fort Lewis College Durango, Colorado
Interpersonal Relations: Effects of Color on Emotions When Dealing With Interpersonal Conflict Michelle Flake Undergraduate Psychology Major Fort Lewis College Durango, Colorado
Interpersonal Relations: Effects of Color on Emotions When Dealing With Interpersonal Conflict Michelle Flake Undergraduate Psychology Major Fort Lewis College Durango, Colorado
Interpersonal Relations: Effects of Color on Emotions When Dealing With Interpersonal Conflict Michelle Flake Undergraduate Psychology Major Fort Lewis College Durango, Colorado
Interpersonal Relations: Effects of Color on Emotions When Dealing With Interpersonal Conflict Michelle Flake Undergraduate Psychology Major Fort Lewis College Durango, Colorado
Interpersonal Relations: Effects of Color on Emotions When Dealing With Interpersonal Conflict Michelle Flake Undergraduate Psychology Major Fort Lewis College Durango, Colorado
Interpersonal Relations: Effects of Color on Emotions When Dealing With Interpersonal Conflict Michelle Flake Undergraduate Psychology Major Fort Lewis College Durango, Colorado
Interpersonal Relations: Effects of Color on Emotions When Dealing With Interpersonal Conflict Michelle Flake Undergraduate Psychology Major Fort Lewis College Durango, Colorado
Interpersonal Relations: Effects of Color on Emotions When Dealing With Interpersonal Conflict Michelle Flake Undergraduate Psychology Major Fort Lewis College Durango, Colorado
Introduction The study of the effects of color has been researched prior to 1900 –Hatta, Yoshida, Kawakami, & Okamoto (2002) investigated the effects of color on computer screens Related to physiological effects –Jacobs & Blandino (1992) studied the effects of color on paper Related to psychological effects –Soldat, Sinclair, & Mark (1997) and their study on cognitive tuning Related to processing strategy
Focus The focus of this research is to study the effects of background color on emotions when dealing with situations involving interpersonal conflict.
REDGREEN Angry Anxious Suspicious Depressed Rational WHITE A convenience sample of 59 students enrolled in various courses at an undergraduate college Participants were voluntary basis as well as classroom subjects
Situation 3 You have entered one of your paintings in an art contest. Your artistic abilities have been developing for some time and you have put a lot of time and effort into this piece. Further, if you should win a 1 st or 2 nd prize in the contest, then you will be invited to have a showing of your other works. After the judging, you find that your painting has not even received an honorable mention. Please rate your emotions for this situation on your answer sheet.
Materials Three page questionnaire –Consent form –Questionnaire The Situational Self-Statement and Affective State Inventory (Harris & Chambless, 1979) The dependent variables were measured using a 1-5 scale with 5 being “very descriptive of me” and 1 being “very non-descriptive of me”
Below is the scale you will use to rate each situation. 5Very descriptive of me 4Somewhat descriptive of me 3Neither descriptive or non descriptive of me 2Somewhat non-descriptive of me 1Very non descriptive of me Please circle what you would feel in this situation. Situation 1 1. irritated/ resentful/ angry worried/ concerned/ anxious suspicious/ distrustful/ doubtful calm/ determined/ confident dejected / depressed/ helpless12345 Did this situation seem realistic to you?YesNo Did you respond on the questionnaire as you would have responded if the situation had occurred in real life? YesNo
Table 1 WHITEREDGREEN Angry Anxious Suspicious Depressed Rational X = SD = 2.27 X = SD = 3.14 X = 8.18 SD = 2.58 X = 8.35 SD = 3.02 X = 8.18 SD = 3.14 X = 9.74 SD = 2.54 X = SD = 3.11 X = 8.63 SD = 3.00 X = 8.47 SD = 2.93 X = 8.63 SD = 2.91 X = SD = 2.03 X = SD = 2.07 X = 9.13 SD = 2.74 X = 8.61 SD = 3.13 X = 9.35 SD = P
Graph for the angry emotion Results showed no significance for the emotions of anxious, suspicious, depressed or rational An effect approaching significance was found for the angry emotion which affected the white group most and the red group least RESULTSRESULTS
FocusFocus The focus of this research is to study the effects of background color on emotions when dealing with situations involving interpersonal conflict.
C o n c l u s i o n The results of the test did not support the hypothesis. White - positive/benign Red - negative/threatening
Problems Time allotted for the questionnaire to be completed Sample Size
Further Research In the area of cognitive tuning Individual interviews Using more colors but possibly excluding white Using different simulation