Common Terms b The documents placed on the World Wide Web? b The language in which Web pages are written? b The element of a Web page that connects you to another Web page? b The address of a web page? b HTML? FTP? ISP?
Internet b Was developed in the late 1960’s for war purposes by Department of Defense. b It originated out of the Arpanet program which emphasized a decentralized network b It is composed of a network of networks b In late 1980’s the National Science Foundation took over project and connected universities and researchers.
Internet b How it is used: Commercially to connect to potential customersCommercially to connect to potential customers Access newsgroupsAccess newsgroups Retrieve dataRetrieve data Access SoftwareAccess Software Send and Receive Send and Receive
Internet Tools b Electronic Mail - send and receive b Telnet - Connect one Computer to another b FTP - File Transfer Protocol b Usenet - newsgroups b World Wide Web - organizes everything in easy to use pages.
Connecting to the Internet b A university Account (e.g.: Saclink) b Private Business b On-Line Service (AOL, Compuserve) b Public Libraries
WWW- World Wide Web b Developed by Timothy Berners-Lee in 1989 b Purpose was to make it easier for nuclear researchers to share data b First Web Browser was developed in 1993 by Marc Andreessen call Mosaic. b Netscape was developed in 1994 and has dramatically increased the speed and features of the web
Web Browser b Design to view web pages on the internet. b Typically use either Netscape or Microsoft Internet Explorer b Browsers interpret the language in which Web pages are written (HTML-Hypertext Markup Language)
Web Browser
Web Browser Components b Menu Bar b Directory button Bar b Toolbar b Location Bar (URL-Uniform Resource Locator) ** b Status Indicator b Document Window b Status and Progress Bar
WWW b Links b Search Engines b HTTP b FTP
Questions? b The documents placed on the World Wide Web? b The language in which Web pages are written? b The element of a Web page that connects you to another Web page? b The address of a web page? b FTP? HTML? ISP?