Creating your first web page: your resume P.D. & M.S. Krolak © Copyright 2005
About this exercise Carefully consider your needs for privacy and security –Do not use home address or phone number –Do not use your social security number –Do not use your personal – use a web mail that you will check, i.e. a disposable one. –If you do not want to use a real resume use a Dummy one (Clearly marked as a Dummy in the heading)
Design issues Use a professional looking texture for a background Use a tasteful sound file (midi will do). This is for exercise only & not the common practice. Do not place a photo on the resume as this will cause it to be discarded immediately (HR practice to avoid sex and age discrimination lawsuits). Avoid personal data.
Resume Besides having a background image, a music file, and an animated gif, you will need a block structure. Heading: Name & contact info Goal: Education: Link your schools Skills: Job experience: Animated Button Tasteful music
First steps Get your animated gif Get your music or sound file. Get your background texture. Click
Get your animated Use your search skills to find an animated gif Capturing an image or animated gif Once you find an object that you want to capture: –Put your mouse on it. –click on your selection with the right mouse button. –A menu will appear; select Save image as. –This will save the object. Remember the file's name and extension (e.g., mailbox.gif) and where you saved it.
Select and save your music Search for a tasteful.mid or.wav file Use your search skills to find an appropriate audio clip: Place the mouse on the link to the audio clip (directly above it). Click with [right mouse button] and choose -- save link as. To hear this sound clip played, plug your headset into the green socket in the back of lab computer. (To work with sounds, your computer should have a sound card and speakers or a headset.) It is strongly recommended that you use sounds that have small file sizes less than 10KB (10,000 Bytes) is best.
Select and capture your background 1.Search for background texture 2.Use standard image capture. 3.If it is a background on a webpage, To capture a texture (background): Put the mouse on it in an area not occupied by a link, or inline image, etc. Click with the right mouse button and choose, SaveAs Background.
Selecting your color scheme
Prepare to write your resume You will need to create a draft of your resume. Easiest to start with your current one. Fill in the blocks with your data. The green blocks- headings should be followed by a list of items. Heading: Name & contact info Goal: Education: Link your schools Skills: Job experience: Animated Button Tasteful music
Writing your first web page Easiest means is to use the Nvu editor (Click button) For the more daring you can try using HTML tags directly (Click button)
Prepare to write your resume Use WordPad for the text editor: 1.You should have a draft of your resume ready. 2.We will create the resume in three sections. 2.1 The top (mostly the Head section) 2.2 The bottom which closes the HTML and body container and creates the animated button 2.3 The resume material will go in the middle
Step 1 The Top
Step 2 The Bottom of the Document
Step 3 Middle Part
Now create the Goal Statement Set off the Goals using the heading 2 with a statement of what you can do and why someone would hire you. Goal: Get a good job with short hours, big bucks, and 4 weeks vacation to start.
Continue with education, skills, job experience
After your have finished Save_as Name of file resume.html File Type text document. Once saved check it spelling etc. and open it from your browser. If it looks good, send it to a web page checker. Make final corrections and save the report from the web checker.
What to upload to your website! Your resume.html Your sound file Your background image Your animated gif. Your validation report.