EGR106 Week 4 Two Dimensional Plots Multiple Plots Plot Formatting Homework
Two Dimensional Plots Line type plot(x,y,’--’) gives a dashed line Line color plot(x,y,’g’) gives a green line Line thickness Markers plot(x,y,’--r*’,’linewidth’,2,’markersize’,12) Dashed red line with * marker
Multiple Plots Plot(x, y1, x, y2) Plots y1 and y2 vs x hold on Keeps the plot window open for additional lines on the same plot hold off Stops writing to the plot subplot(n,m,k) Selects plot k in an nxm array of plots. Used for multiple plots on the same page.
Plot Formatting xlabel, ylabel xlabel(‘time (sec)’) title title(‘Problem 3 Solution’) text text(x,y,’your message at coordinates x,y’) legend legend(‘first curve’,’second curve’) –used for multiple curves on a single plot
Plot Formatting Subscripts and superscripts Greek letters Rotating text
Line Properties and Values plot(x,y, 'linewidth',5 ) line width is 5 “points”
>> x=0:2:10; >> y=x.^2; >> plot(x,y,'--r*','linewidth',2,'markersize',12) >> text(2,50,'\fontsize{30} \alpha Profit= x^2 ', 'rotation',45)
Line Specifiers plot(x,y, ' r : d ' ) red dotted line diamonds
Multiple Plots on the Same Axes Plot allows multiple sets of arrays and line specifiers: Note colors rotate
Two Useful Commands figure –alone it opens a new window –figure(n) takes you to window n ginput(1) –creates crosshairs on the screen –returns (x,y) location of cursor at mouse click –ginput(n) returns n pairs of locations
Formatting Plots – The Axes Adding a grid grid Setting the axis limits: axis( [ xmin xmax ymin ymax ] )
Formatting Plots – Adding Text Week 1: –xlabel( 'string' ) –ylabel( 'string' ) –title( 'string' ) –text( x, y, 'string' ) New: –gtext( 'string' ) – cursor controlled –legend( 'string1', … 'stringn', loc)
Multiple Axes in One Figure - Subplot subplot(2,2,1) plot(x1,y1) subplot(2,2,2) etc. Argument is rows, columns, choice
Click on the arrow to start interaction Double click on some part of the figure to initiate choices
Modify text: Or the lines themselves:
Other Types of 2-D Plots - Polar x = 1:100; r = log10(x); t = x/10; polar( t, r ) magnitude angle in radians
Other Notes Line specifiers, properties, axis, grid, … work on many of the plot types Most of these tools have additional features – use the help function 3-dimensional plots are available (chapter 9) with viewpoint options