Introduction to English Linguistics 2017/4/17 Introduction to English Linguistics 英語語言學概論 BBI050 Thu. 10:25-12:30 (M208) Week 17 BBC004-Introduction to English Linguistics A.Okamoto
Phonetics and Phonology 2017/4/17 Review Phonetics and Phonology BBC004-Introduction to English Linguistics A.Okamoto
2017/4/17 Are you clear about .. Place and manner of articulation of consonants and Vowels? Natural classes? Phoneme and allophones? Minimal pair and complementary distribution? Phonological rules? BBC004-Introduction to English Linguistics A.Okamoto
Place of Articulation (where?) 2017/4/17 Place of Articulation (where?) Consonants are classified according to where in the vocal tract the airflow restrictions occur.(p.227-228) Bilabials [p] [b] [m] Labiodentals [f] [v] Interdentals [θ] [ð] Alveolars [t] [d] [n] [s] [z] [l] [r] Palatals [ʃ] [ʒ] [tʃ] [dʒ] [ j ] Velars [k] [g] [ŋ] Uvulars [ʀ] [q] [ɢ] Glottals [h] [ʔ] Sound of American English BBC004-Introduction to English Linguistics A.Okamoto
Manner of Articulation (How?) 2017/4/17 Manner of Articulation (How?) Stops [p] [b] [m] [t] [d] [n] [k] [g] [ŋ] [ʔ] Fricatives [f] [v] [θ] [ð] [s] [z] [ ʃ ] [ʒ] [h] [x] [ɣ] Affricates [tʃ ] [dʒ] Liquids [ l ] [r] ([ɹ]) Glides [ j ] [w] (Approximants [ j ] [w] [ l ] [r]) Trills & flaps [ɾ] (alveolar flap), [ʀ] (uvular trill) [r] (alveolar trill) Clicks [ʘ](bilabial) [ǀ](dental) [ǃ](alveolar) Xhosa song Zulu (p.232-236) BBC004-Introduction to English Linguistics A.Okamoto
The vowels (monophthongs) of English (p.239) 2017/4/17 The vowels (monophthongs) of English (p.239) BBC004-Introduction to English Linguistics A.Okamoto
2017/4/17 BBC004-Introduction to English Linguistics A.Okamoto
Consonants- 3 parts description 2017/4/17 Consonants- 3 parts description [d]- voiced alveolar stop [r] - [h] - [j] - [ʔ] - BBC004-Introduction to English Linguistics A.Okamoto
Major natural classes of English (p.241) 2017/4/17 Major natural classes of English (p.241) p t d k g ð s z ʒ ʃ tʃ dʒ BBC004-Introduction to English Linguistics A.Okamoto
Natural classes Voiced sibilants? Bilabial obstruents? 2017/4/17 Natural classes Voiced sibilants? Bilabial obstruents? Palatal sonorants? BBC004-Introduction to English Linguistics A.Okamoto
Phonological analysis exercise 2017/4/17 Phonological analysis exercise BBC004-Introduction to English Linguistics A.Okamoto
Distribution of phonemes (p.262) (Minimal Pairs analysis) 2017/4/17 Distribution of phonemes (p.262) (Minimal Pairs analysis) How many vowel phonemes does English have? 11 monophthong vowels + 3 diphthong vowels b_t beat [bit] [i] boot [but] [u] bit [bɪt] [ɪ] but [bʌt] [ʌ] bait [bet] [e] boat [bot] [o] bet [bɛt] [ɛ] bought [bɔt] [ɔ] bat [bæt] [æ] bout [bawt] [aw] bite [bajt] [aj] bot [bat] [a] b_k book [bʊk] [ʊ] beak [bik] b_y boy [boj] [oj] buy [baj] BBC004-Introduction to English Linguistics A.Okamoto
Distribution of Allophones (p.261,264) (Complementary distribution) 2017/4/17 Distribution of Allophones (p.261,264) (Complementary distribution) Where are English vowels nasalized? The sounds that do not contrast meaning never occur in the same phonetic environment – particular allophones are determined by where they occur. Predicable Table.7.1 Nasal and Oral Vowels: Words and Nonwords Words Nonwords be [bi] bead [bid] bean [bi ̃̃n] *[bi ̃̃] *[bi ̃d] *[bim] lay [le] lace [les] lame [lẽ̃m] *[lẽ̃] *[lẽ̃s] *[lem] baa [bæ] bad [bæd] bang [bæ̃ŋ] *[bæ̃] *[bæ̃d] *[bæŋ] Table 7.2 Distribution of Oral and Nasal Vowels in English Syllables In Final position Before Oral consonants Before Nasal consonants Oral vowels Yes No Nasal vowels BBC004-Introduction to English Linguistics A.Okamoto
Summary Phonemes /i/ Allophones Contrastive distribution 2017/4/17 Summary Phonemes /i/ Contrastive distribution non-predictable [ i ̃̃ ] [ i ] before nasal consonants Elsewhere Allophones Complementally distribution (It often indicates that two superficially different speech sounds are in fact the same phoneme) predictable from the phonetic environment No minimal Pairs Minimal Pairs BBC004-Introduction to English Linguistics A.Okamoto
2017/4/17 BBC004-Introduction to English Linguistics A.Okamoto
2017/4/17 BBC004-Introduction to English Linguistics A.Okamoto
2017/4/17 BBC004-Introduction to English Linguistics A.Okamoto
2017/4/17 BBC004-Introduction to English Linguistics A.Okamoto
2017/4/17 BBC004-Introduction to English Linguistics A.Okamoto