Wild Weather!!! Stories About the Weather
Allison’s Story It was a wonderful day. Hillary Duff, Lindsay Lohan, Avril Lavgine, and Allison Rohlff were walking and listening to their CD’s on the streets of Hollywood. It began to rain and it rained and rained until the streets began to flood. It flooded so much the rain picked up a house. We called 911 and our butler, Daniel, and asked him to pick us up. He was able to bring an entire hotel because it was a flying hotel! We all sat in the Jacuzzi together. Another butler named Nick brought us food and drinks. We were safe and happy!
Brittany’s Story Kristen and I were in a car with my Mom and my niece. There was a big hurricane. It looked like a horrible storm. It sounded like something banging. We ran away from it. We got away by running home.
Courtney’s Story One night I was in my bed. I was looking at the stars. It was a breezy night. When a breeze passed I say strips of green light. I knew what they were because I learned about them. They are called the Northern Lights. The Northern Lights started to get twisted. It turned into a green twister! I woke up my parents and my baby sister because I screamed. My dad said, “What’s going on?” They ran into my room and I screamed again. “There is a big green twister that is going to hit our house!” Everyone rushed to my window! Everyone yelled! Everything went black! I woke up. It was all a dream.
Daniel’s Story Two years ago in 1920 there was a tornado during the day. It is almost my birthday. I saw a tornado with my friends Nick, Kennedy,and Tyler. Then we out ran the tornado. Then Nick got sucked up in to the tornado. Then Kennedy got hit by a hail stone right through his head. Tyler actually survived the tornado. Then I saw Michelle and we jumped into a cellar.
Eric’s Story It was a foggy day in 1919 on May 15. It was raining. Then it hailed the size of basketballs. I knew something was going wrong. A huge tornado is coming right at us. I ran to shelter underground! But, it cleared up and I went home.
Kennedy’s Story My mom and dad drove in the car and they saw lightning. Wow! That is a big lightning bolt! It looks like two bolts were fighting. The sky was dark and scary. They both screamed! They drove home slowly and carefully I asked, “Where have you been, Mom and Dad?” “We were in a car in a big storm.”
Michelle’s Story On April 10,2005 my mom and I were in the car. We stopped at 7-11 when a hail storm hit. We hopped out of the car. I almost got hit with hail. We got back into the car. A hail stone hit the car. Then a helicopter picked my mom and I up.
Nick G’s Story Nicholas was playing his favorite game of golf. A big thunderstorm started. Nick’s Dad came in a truck and took Nicholas for a bumpy ride in the storm. It rained a lot and there was bolts of lightning in the sky. Then, Nicholas went home with his dad.
Rebecca’s Story It was 2:00 on Saturday. There was a tornado on the road! Mom stopped the car and we ran into a house. We were safe! The tornado was giant. When the tornado was on the road, Kennedy died. Five minutes later there were more tornados coming. I saw Michelle got hurt, too. After the tornado passed we drove away from the tornado. I was lucky!
Nick S’s Story July of 1999 My friend Scooty and I were driving when this huge hail stone the size of a baseball went through the window and almost hit Scooty in the arm. We got away from the storm. We kept on driving and we ran into a tornado. When the storm was done we got away. We went home and when we got home we got a souvenir.
Victor’s Story I see a storm over the mountain. I run away from the storm because I am scared of the lightning. I do not like the thunder. It is raining many raindrops. If I run very fast, I will not get wet.
Tyler’s Story It was a stormy night in I was with my friends Eric and Danny. There was a big tornado! There was a hail storm too! We were close to the tornado! The wind was fast. A man in a pick-up truck saw us. He picked us up and brought us to safety.