A wines and spirits wholesaler stocks a range of approximately 400 different lines and delivers by van on regular weekly runs to customers who are mainly off-licenses and clubs. The majority of orders are received by telephone and any one customer may place several orders during the week which must be accumulated and delivered in one consignment. When a customer telephones he expects to be advised on the availability of an item requested and, if not in stock, the alternatives that are available. At present, sales order forms are filled in by the telephone salesmen and sent to the warehouse where they are used for the despatch of the items. Hand-written despatch notes are used as the basis of the invoices which are typed and sent by post sometime later.
customer order item Despatch note invoice Final LDS order line
customer Stock file Accumulate orders Advise availability Complete forms 1Sales Sales Order Forms 2 Produce despatch notes Produce Invoices InvoiceDespatch note + goods Warehouse Draw DFD Order Advice M1
Extensions Maintenance of Stock File Customer file – address, credit etc Payments Accounts dept – invoices, payments etc Accumulate orders – temporary file
Customer Stock file Accumulate orders Advise availability Complete forms 1Sales Sales Order Forms 2 Pick Goods Produce Despatch Notes Update Stock File Invoice Despatch Note + Goods Warehouse Draw DFD Order Advice M1 3 Produce Invoices Handle payments Accounts M4 M3 M2 Payments Customers Confirm details Supplier Goods + Copy Order Orders Payment Copy Dispatch Note M5 D/N + Inv
Data Dictionary NameAliasTypeLengthMaxMin CustnoCustnumNum10 ItemDesItemDescAlp20 OrdTotTotOrdCur59999 e.t.c.
SELECT (SSADM) A software package for the development of data flow diagrams and data models etc. Comes in various editions to match the methodology used (SSADM) Check compatibility between DFD and LDS Checks DFD level compatibility FREE to copy from library short term loan (need to sign license agreement and get key from CEMS Help Desk)
Structured Systems Analysis And Design Methodology SSADM A highly structured IS development methodology with the emphasis on analysis and design including the user but little about writing programs, testing or implementation.