RDG Week 11 Instructional Strategies The power and utility of a strategy depends on the intended goal of instruction. A commitment to a diagnostic/corrective approach in teaching reading means that some strategies are more important than others. We will distinguish 3 levels. You must thoroughly understand primary strategies. You must know how to use secondary strategies. You must be familiar with tertiary strategies.
RDG Week 12 Tier 1 Strategies (Primary) 1.You can explain how developmental and philosophical concepts support a strategy. 2.You can adapt a strategy for use with a new population of students or in a novel setting. 3.You can describe the logic that supports the design and use of a strategy. Example: Language Experience Approach, Reciprocal Teaching
RDG Week 13 Tier 2 Strategies (Secondary) 1.You can identify the specific materials and steps associated with a strategy. 2.You can explain the relative strengths and weaknesses of a strategy. 3.You can describe how a strategy relates to other strategies. Example: Elkonin Boxes, Literature Circles
RDG Week 14 Tier 3 Strategies (Tertiary) 1.You can recognize a strategy from a classroom vignette or lesson plan. 2.You can broadly describe how a strategy is applied in a classroom setting. 3.You can identify circumstances that suggest a strategy might be appropriately used. Examples: Sustained Silent Reading, Multi- sensory Approaches, Implicit Teaching
RDG Week 15 Instructional Strategies in Context Reading educators draw on a common pool of instructional strategies. The importance of a strategy depends on the type of reading program.
RDG Week 16