The Role of Data analysis for M& E in the context of ABRDP By: Faye Ensermu Chemeda Data Analysis Expert Ethio-Italian Development Co-operation Asella January 2004 Arsi-Bale Rural Development Project
ABRDP Project area: all of Arsi and 10 districts of Bale zone Project budget:approx. 39 million Euro
Over all goal of the project develop small farmers and rural producers to contribute to the national food security. 3
Specific objectives: increase crops and livestock production and productivity among small farmers; promote the development of rural entrepreneurs and generate employment; improve rural economic and social infrastructure; and improve natural resource conservation/ management. 4
Main purpose of the project to increase of agricultural production, improve rural entrepreneurship and construct rural economic and social infrastructure. 5
Main components: support to Agricultural development and Micro-Projects; seed multiplication and marketing; small-scale irrigation and rural water supply; infrastructure development; pilot agricultural development schemes; fertilizer supply; and institutional support.
Project Coordinator Office Responsibilities Coordinating all project activities; Linking with Ethiopian & Italian parties; Evaluating the technical & Economic soundness of all activities from identification, planning, execution & operation; Efficient, transparent & accountable administration of all relations with implementing agencies, consultants, contractors, suppliers & non- governmental organization &; Monitoring & evaluation of all project activities & timely information of the Ethiopian and Italian parts.
Monitoring tasks of sectoral experts Ensure that inputs are delivered on schedule; Design data collection and reporting formats by IAs; Ensure that reports by IAs are submitted on schedule and include agreed information; Verify data / information; Analyse data in conjunction with IAs and M&E Unit; Compile sectoral reports for M&E Unit and Management; Submit feedback to IAs.
Tasks of M&E Support sectoral experts in monitoring of process (inputs and outputs) indicators; Coordinate monitoring of outcome indicators; Monitor environmental factors; Store and organise Project and Project- related data; Compile project reports.
Duties of Data Analysis Subunit Participate in designing the format of data Questionnaire with the specific sectoral experts, Follow up data collection, Verify data submitted by sectorial experts, Develop data entry formats, Encoding and editing data collected, Process, analyses the collected data, Submit output of the data to sectoral experts and others who requested, Help the sectoral exports in writing the report on the finding,
Duties of Data Analysis (Continue) Data-Organization and documentation (keep record and have an organized data for each of the sectors in the past years, which also gives ground for future planning), Design efficient operational system and updates the database of the different activities with Co-operation with sectoral experts, The output of the section is used: 1. as an input for planning purpose of the study area; 2. for designing development strategies of the study area &; 3. for formulation of relevant policies.
ABRDP Organizational Chart Italian Deputy General Manager Italian Deputy General Manager JWGJWG ImplementingAgenciesImplementingAgencies UNOPS Resident Manager UNOPS PCO General Manager Administration & Finance Administration & Finance Finance Section Finance Section Personnel Asset & Logistic Unit Asset & Logistic Unit Technical Support Unit Agriculture Credit Roads Water Resources & Irrigation Water Resources & Irrigation Agricultural Technology Promotion & Community Development Agricultural Technology Promotion & Community Development Micro Projects Infrastructure Livestock Extension Cooperative Development Cooperative Development Community Development Community Development Internal Comptroller Monitoring & Evaluation Unit Monitoring & Evaluation Unit Reporting Data Analysis Data Analysis Geographic Information System Geographic Information System Editor
The key problems persist in the project area No accurate (baseline) data, No appropriate Logical Framework Matrix, Absence of well trained manpower, No well organized implementing agencies, No practice of participatory planning.
The Purpose of Training To choose appropriate indicators and performance questions, To identify needs and opportunities with the stakeholders, To further strengthen inter- & intra- disciplinary cooperative work with the team members that is organized by the project coordination office and implementing agencies for the purpose of undertaking rural development strategies, & To improve the project performance in monitoring and evaluation systems.