Defeating the Dinosaur Syndrome - Sculpting Successful Internal and External Grant Applications in the Area of Law Stephen Barkoczy Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Monash University Consultant, Blake Dawson Waldron
ARC Gants ARC Federation Fellowships (attract world class researchers) ARC Federation Fellowships (attract world class researchers) ARC Discovery ARC Discovery ARC Linkage ARC Linkage Grants should display elements of risk, discovery, investigation Grants should display elements of risk, discovery, investigation Benefits Benefits Time release Time release Research support Research support Prestige Prestige Negatives Negatives Long preparation time Long preparation time No guarantee of success No guarantee of success Usually need a team Usually need a team
Helpful Hints 1 View precedents on Faculty website View precedents on Faculty website Consider pilot study first (eg Faculty grant) Consider pilot study first (eg Faculty grant) Have drafts reviewed by people who have got grants Have drafts reviewed by people who have got grants Focus on research priority areas Focus on research priority areas Track record Track record ARC grants) ARC grants) Publications in field Publications in field PhD PhD Sexy (and preferably topical) title Sexy (and preferably topical) title Make application assessor friendly Make application assessor friendly Avoid fishing expeditions Avoid fishing expeditions Clear aims and background (avoid rambling) Clear aims and background (avoid rambling) Make sure application can be understood by assessors (who may be non-lawyers) Make sure application can be understood by assessors (who may be non-lawyers) Be aware of potential assessors and their idiosyncrasies Be aware of potential assessors and their idiosyncrasies
Helpful Hints 2 Highlight Highlight Significance of research Significance of research Innovation Innovation National benefit National benefit Select appropriate industry partners and chief investigators Select appropriate industry partners and chief investigators Methodology (most important part of application) Methodology (most important part of application) Show how project will be achieved Show how project will be achieved Provide a time line Provide a time line Show how budgeted items will be used Show how budgeted items will be used Show how all investigators will be involved Show how all investigators will be involved Identify specific tasks of all investigators Identify specific tasks of all investigators Communication of results – must be clear, achievable and appropriate Communication of results – must be clear, achievable and appropriate Make sure budget items are things ARC funds Make sure budget items are things ARC funds Appropriate references (don’t forget classic works on subject) Appropriate references (don’t forget classic works on subject)