Library Disaster Recovery Lessons Learned and Opportunities Seized Bruce Neville and Anne Schultz Centennial Science and Engineering Library, University of New Mexico All photographs by Nancy Dennis Copryright 2005, University of New Mexico Libraries, Used with Permission
The Great Flood of ‘04
Lesson 1: Be Prepared
There are things you can do that don’t cost money
Lesson 1: Be Prepared There are things you can do that don’t cost money Identify Priorities
Lesson 1: Be Prepared There are things you can do that don’t cost money Identify Priorities Have a recovery contractor on “retainer”
Lesson 2: Know what you have
What’s hiding in the corners?
Lesson 2: Know what you have What’s hiding in the corners? How good is your catalog or shelf list?
Lesson 3: Life goes on
You can’t overcommunicate!
Lesson 3: Life goes on You can’t overcommunicate! Maintain essential services
Lesson 4: Don’t assume
Outside contractors
Lesson 4: Don’t assume Outside contractors Labelling
Lesson 4: Don’t assume Outside contractors Labelling Everything takes longer than you think
Lesson 5: Others need healing, too
Make opportunities to help
Lesson 5: Others need healing, too Make opportunities to help Provide closure
So Where Are We Now?
Everything that wasn’t in boxes before is out of boxes now
So Where Are We Now? Everything that wasn’t in boxes before is out of boxes now All shelves are read, but still need a complete shift
So Where Are We Now? Everything that wasn’t in boxes before is out of boxes now All shelves are read, but still need a complete shift Still have areas walled off and skylights covered in plastic
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