Mastering NT Greek 5. Nouns: First Declension 5. Nouns: First Declension By Ted Hildebrandt © 2003 Baker Academic
PAI Verb Paradigm Rap lu<wlu<omen lu<eijlu<ete lu<eilu<ousi(n)
Second Declension Chant lo<gojlo<goulo<g&lo<gonlo<goilo<gwnlo<goijlo<gouj i[ero<ni[erou?i[er&?i[ero<ni[era<i[erw?ni[eroi?ji[era<
Memory Verse -- Jn 1:1 ]En a]rx^? h$n o[ lo<goj, ]En a]rx^? h$n o[ lo<goj, in the beginning was the word in the beginning was the word kai> o[ lo j to>n qeo o[ lo j to>n qeo<n, and the word was with God and the word was with God kai> qeo>j h#n o[ lo qeo>j h#n o[ lo<goj. and the word was God and the word was God
First Declension Nouns First declension nouns are usually feminine with h or a endings as opposed to the second declension with has “o” endings. Their cases are translated in the same way as the second declension nominative=subject; genitive=of; dative = to/by/for/at/with; accusative= object.
Meanings and translations h-based Singular Plural Nom./Voc. grafh< grafai< a writing writings Gen. grafh?j grafw?n of a writing of writings Dat. graf^? grafai?j to/by/for a writing to/by/for writings Acc. grafh<n grafa<j a writing writings
First Declension - Eta ending First declension forms to chant. grafh<, -h?j, h[ writing, Scripture grafh<, -h?j, h[ writing, Scripture Feminine Singular Plural Nom/Voc grafh< grafai< Gen. grafh?j grafw?n Dat. graf^? grafai?j Acc. grafh<n grafa<j
Meaning and translations a-based Singular Plural Nom./Voc. w!ra w$rai hour hours Gen. w!raj w[rw?n of an hour of hours Dat. w!r% w!raij to/by/for an hour to/by/for hours Acc. w!ran w!raj hour hours
First Declension - Alpha ending w!ra, -aj, h[ hour w!ra, -aj, h[ hour Singular Plural Singular Plural Nom./Voc. w!ra w$rai Gen. w!raj w[rw?n Dat. w!r% w!raij Acc. w!ran w!raj Note the Gen. sg. = Acc. Pl.
First Declension – Dancing Alpha ending do<ca, -hj, h[ glory do<ca, -hj, h[ glory Singular Plural Singular Plural Nom./Voc. do<ca do<cai Gen. do<chj docwn Dat. do<c^ do<caij Acc. do<ca do<caj Note the Gen. sg. =/= Acc. Pl.
First Declension - Masculine Just be able to recognize the masculine. Gen. Sg. is basic difference – ou profh<thj, -ou?, o[ prophet profh<thj, -ou?, o[ prophet Feminine Singular Plural Nom profh<thj profh?tai Gen. profh<tou profhtw?n Dat. profh<t^ profh<taij Acc. profh?thn profh<taj
Four Hints on the Noun Declensions 1) Second declension both masculine and neuter have same case endings in the genitive and dative – Always! 2) Dative singular – iota subscripts lengthening vowel, iota subscript at end of word think dative 3) Genitive plural is always – wn 3) Genitive plural is always – wn 4) aj can be either genitive sg or acc pl have to look at the definite article (th?j / ta<j) 4) aj can be either genitive sg or acc pl have to look at the definite article (th?j / ta<j)
2-1-2 Paradigms - Chant this lo<goj grafh< i[ero<n lo<gou grafh?j i[erou? lo<g& graf^? i[er&? lo<gon grafh<n i[ero<n lo<goi grafai< i[era< lo<gwn grafw?n i[erw?n lo<goij grafai?j i[eroi?j lo<gouj grafa<j i[era<
Article lo<goj "word" or "a word" (Nom Sg Masc) o[ lo<goj "the word" lo<gon "word" or “a word” (Acc Sg Masc) to>n lo n lo<gon "the word“ The Art. matches in gender, number, case
Article ("the") forms Singular Singular Masc. Fem. Neut. Masc. Fem. Neut. Nom./Voc. o[ h[ to< Gen. tou? th?j tou? Dat. t&? t^? t&? Acc. to<n th<n to<
Article ("the") forms Plural Plural Masc. Fem. Neut. Masc. Fem. Neut. Nom./Voc. oi[ ai[ ta< Gen. tw?n tw?n tw?n Dat. toi?j tai?j toi?j Acc. tou<j ta<j ta<
Article Singular Plural M F N M F N N. o[ h[ to< oi[ ai[ ta< G. tou? th?j tou tw?n tw?n tw?n? D. t&? t^? t&? toi?j tai?j toi?j A. to<n th<n to< tou<j ta<j ta Singular Plural M F N M F N N. o[ h[ to< oi[ ai[ ta< G. tou? th?j tou tw?n tw?n tw?n? D. t&? t^? t&? toi?j tai?j toi?j A. to<n th<n to< tou<j ta<j ta
Chapter 5 Vocabulary a]ga<ph, -hj, h[ love love
Chapter 5 Vocabulary a]lh<qeia, -aj, h[ – truth
Chapter 5 Vocabulary a[marti<a, -aj, h[ – sin
Chapter 5 Vocabulary basilei<a, -aj, h[ – kingdom
Chapter 5 Vocabulary grafh<, -h?j, h[ – writing, Scripture
Chapter 5 Vocabulary e]gei<rw – I raise up
Chapter 5 Vocabulary e]kklhsi<a, -aj, h[ – assembly, church
Chapter 5 Vocabulary -ou, to< – work
Chapter 5 Vocabulary maqhth<j, -ou?, o[ – disciple
Chapter 5 Vocabulary w!ra, -aj, h[ – hour
Vocabulary Review
Vocabulary Review Chapter 1 angeltrulyhumankinde]gw<God
andheartle<gw profh<thj, -ou, o[ Christ
Vocabulary Review Chapter 2 brother I hear do<ca, -hj, h[
Vocabulary Review Chapter 2 Lord, sir Lord, sir word word Pe<troj, -ou, o[ Pe<troj, -ou, o[ son son Farisai?oj, -ou, o[
Vocabulary Chapter 3 a]lla< a]po<stoloj, -ou, o[ I see ga<r I know
Vocabulary Chapter 3 ]Ihsou?j, -ou?, o[ ]Ihsou?j, -ou?, o[ lamba<nw lamba<nw lu<w lu<w heaven heaven pisteu<w pisteu<w
Ch Vocabulary I love gra<fwde<servanteu[ri<skw
Ch Vocabulary i[ero<n, -ou?, to< i[ero<n, -ou?, to< lao<j, -ou?, o[ law law oi#koj, -ou, o[ oi#koj, -ou, o[w[j