Chapter 4: Cell Structure/Function
Compound Light Microscopy
Magnification Resolution capacity to distinguish as separate 2 adjacent points. Max resoultion of light microscope is 0.2 micrometers (2 points closer than 0.2 apart appear as one) Refractive Index measure of speed at which light passes through a material (staining increases the difference between refractive indexes of specimen and the medium…so contrast is increased) Brightfield illumination
Some microorganisms are pigmented. Most are not. Green algae Purple phototrophic bacteria
Staining Basic dyes (positive ion colored) Positive stains Acidic dyes (negative ion colored) Negative stains
Steps in smear preparation and staining
The Gram Stain (a differential stain)
Gram Stain…Positive cocci and Negative rods
Darkfield microscopy (specimem appears light against a black background) (good for seeing motility and very small or thin microbes) Phase Contrast (enhances differences in refractive indexes of structures, so…yields increase contrast) (good for seeing internal structures of living cells)
DarkfieldPhase contrastBrightfield
Cyanobacteria stained with fluorescent dye
Three-Dimensional Imaging
Differential Interference Contrast Microscopy
Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)
Confocal Scanning Laser Microscopy
Electron Microscopy
TEM Transmission Electron Microscopy
SEM Scanning Electron Microscopy
CELL SIZE (an upper limit is imposed by surface to volume ratio)
Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes compared Similarities –Genetic material –Cellular chemistry and metabolic pathways –Some structures and functions
Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes compared Differences (compartmentalization) –Prokaryotes DNA NOT enclosed by membrane No membrane-bound organelles No histone proteins associated with DNA Complex cell walls Division by binary fission –Eukaryotes DNA with a nucleus Membrane-bound organelles Histone proteins Cell walls absent or simple Division by mitosis
BASIC SHAPES Coccus Rod Spiral
Cytoplasmic Membrane Phospholipid bilayer studded with proteins (Fluid Mosaic Model) Selectively permeable barrier Membrane strengthening agents Sterols in eukaryotes Hopanoids in some bacteria Archaea contain very different lipids than Eukarya and Bacteria
Transport across membranes Passive processes Diffusion/osmosis Facilitated diffusion Active processes
Cell Wall Peptidoglycan A polysaccharide which is the major component of cell walls in bacteria Archaea cell walls do not contain peptidoglycan Structure: Polysaccharide chains (glycans) cross-linked by peptide chains of amino acids. Two subunits N-Acetylglucosamine (G) and N-Acetylmuramic acid (M)
Gram Positive Cell Wall Thick layer peptidoglycan Teichoic acid Lipoteichoic acid
Gram Negative Cell wall Outer Membrane LPS-lipopolysaccharide (Endotoxin) Porins Periplasm
Genetic Material Nucleoid = area of the cell in which the DNA is aggregated Single circular chromosome Haploid Plasmids
Flagella Filament Hook Basal Body
Rotational movement of the flagella
Peritrichous Polar (monotrichous) Polar (lophotrichous)
Taxis Phototaxis Chemotaxis Positive taxis Negative taxis
Phototaxis: Figure shows movement of an entire colony of bacteria toward a light source at the right of the photo (not shown)
Ribosomes Site of protein synthesis Some structural differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic ribosomes A major site of attack for antibiotics
Surface Structures
Fimbriae and Pili
S-Layers A surface layer made of protein found in many bacteria
Capsules and Slime Layers Glycocalx – polysaccharide-containing material outside of the cell
Inclusions/Storage Bodies/Granules Function in storage of energy molecules or as a reservoir of structural building blocks
PHB (poly-B-hydroxybutric acid) A carbon/energy storage polymer
Glycogen (energy storage) Metachromatic granules (inorganic phosphate reserves)
Sulfur Granules
Magnetosomes Iron-oxide crystals which allow the bacteria to respond to a magnetic field
Gas Vesicles Small gas filled protein structures that function to confer bouyancy on cells EM of gas vesicles Cyanobacteria “bloom” on lake surface
Endospores Hardiest of all life forms For escape from unfavorable environmental conditions Germination = return to the vegetative state from the spore state NOT reproductive (1 cell forms 1 endospore which return to reform 1 cell)
Endosymbiont theory of Eukaryotic evolution Evidence in support of the hypothesis Mitochondria and chloroplasts contain their own DNA They contain their own ribosomes which are very similar to prokaryotes They divide independent of the cell and by binary fission Size, etc. etc