2/18/20051 Introduction to SMV. 2/18/20052 Symbolic Model Verifier Ken McMillan, Symbolic Model Checking: An Approach to the State Explosion Problem,


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Presentation transcript:

2/18/20051 Introduction to SMV

2/18/20052 Symbolic Model Verifier Ken McMillan, Symbolic Model Checking: An Approach to the State Explosion Problem, Finite-state Systems described in a specialized language Specifications given as CTL formulas Internal representation using OBDDs Automatically verifies specification or produces a counterexample

2/18/20053 Overview of SMV SMV Input Language Finite State Kripke Structure Specification – CTL Formula OBDD based Symbolic Model Checking Yes No CounterExample Backend

2/18/20054 Language Characteristics Allows description of completely synchronous to asynchronous systems, detailed to abstract systems Modularized and hierarchical descriptions Finite data types: Boolean and enumerated

2/18/20055 Language Characteristics (cont..) Parallel-assignment syntax Non-determinism

2/18/20056 A Sample SMV Program MODULE main VAR request: boolean; state: {ready, busy}; ASSIGN init(state) := ready; next(state) := case state=ready & request: busy; 1: {ready, busy}; esac; SPEC AG(request -> AF (state = busy))

2/18/20057 SMV Syntax - Expressions Expr :: atom ;; symbolic constant | number ;; numeric constant | id ;; variable identifier | “!” expr ;; logical not | expr1 expr2 | “next” “(“ id “)” ;; next value | case_expr | set_expr

2/18/20058 The Case Expression Case_expr :: “case” expr_a1 “:” expr_b2 “;” … expr_an “:” expr_bn “;” “esac” Guards are evaluated sequentially. The first one that is true determines the resulting value If none of the guards are true, result is numeric value 1

2/18/20059 State Variables Decl :: “VAR” atom1 “:” type1 “;” atom2 “:” type2 “;” …  State is an assignment of values to a set of state variables  Type of a variable – boolean, scalar, user defined module, or array.

2/18/ ASSIGN declaration Decl :: “ASSIGN” dest1 “:=“ expr1 “;” dest2 “:=“ expr2 “;” … Dest :: atom | “init” “(“ atom “)” | “next” “(“ atom “)”

2/18/ Variable Assignments Assignment to initial state: init(value) := 0; Assignment to next state (transition relation) next(value) := value + carry_in mod 2; Assignment to current state (invariant) carry_out := value & carry_in; Either init-next or invar should be used, but not both SMV is a parallel assignment language

2/18/ Circular definitions … are not allowed! This is illegal: a := next(b); next(b) := c; c := a; This is o.k. init(a) := 0; next(a) := !b; init(b) := 1; next(b) := !a;

2/18/ Nondeterminism Completely unassigned variable can model unconstrained input. {val_1, …, val_n} is an expression taking on any of the given values nondeterministically. Nondeterministic choice can be used to: Model an implementation that has not been refined yet Abstract behavior

2/18/ ASSIGN and DEFINE VAR a: boolean; ASSIGN a := b | c; declares a new state variable a becomes part of invariant relation DEFINE d:= b | c; is effectively a macro definition, each occurrence of d is replaced by b | c no extra BDD variable is generated for d the BDD for b | c becomes part of each expression using d

2/18/ SPEC declaration Decl :: “SPEC” ctlform Ctlform :: expr ;; bool expression | “!” ctlform | ctlform1 ctlform2 | “E” pathform | “A” pathform Pathform :: “X” ctlform | “F” ctlform | “G” ctlform | ctlform1 “U” ctlform2

2/18/ Modules and Hierarchy Modules can be instantiated many times, each instantiation creates a copy of the local variables Each program has a module main Scoping Variables declared outside a module can be passed as parameters Parameters are passed by reference.

2/18/ Pass by reference DEFINE a := 0; VAR b : bar(a); … MODULE bar(x) DEFINE a := 1; y := x;

2/18/ Pass by reference … VAR a : boolean; b : foo(a); … MODULE foo(x) ASSIGN x:=1;

2/18/ MODULE main VAR bit0 : counter_cell(1); bit1 : counter_cell(bit0.carry_out); bit2 : counter_cell(bit1.carry_out); SPECAG AF bit2.carry_out MODULE counter_cell(carry_in) VARvalue : boolean; ASSIGN init(value) := 0; next(value) := value + carry_in mod 2; DEFINE carry_out := value & carry_in;

2/18/ Module Composition Synchronous composition All assignments are executed in parallel and synchronously. A single step of the resulting model corresponds to a step in each of the components. Asynchronous composition A step of the composition is a step by exactly one process. Variables, not assigned in that process, are left unchanged.

2/18/ Asynchronous Composition MODULE main VAR gate1: process inverter(gate3.output); gate2: process inverter(gate1.output); gate3: process inverter(gate2.output); SPEC (AG AF gate1.output) & (AG AF !gate1.output) MODULE inverter(input) VAR output: boolean; ASSIGN init(output) := 0; next(output) := !input;

2/18/ Fairness FAIRNESS ctl_formulae Assumed to be true infinitely often Model checker only explores paths satisfying fairness constraint Each fairness constraint must be true infinitely often If there are no fair paths All existential formulas are false All universal formulas are true FAIRNESS running

2/18/ With Fairness.. MODULE main VAR gate1: process inverter(gate3.output); gate2: process inverter(gate1.output); gate3: process inverter(gate2.output); SPEC (AG AF gate1.output) & (AG AF !gate1.output) MODULE inverter(input) VAR output: boolean; ASSIGN init(output) := 0; next(output) := !input; FAIRNESS running

2/18/ Counter revisited MODULE main VAR count_enable : boolean; bit0 : counter_cell(count_enable); bit1 : counter_cell(bit0.carr_out); bit2 : counter_cell(bit1.carry_out); SPEC AG AF bit2.carry_out FAIRNESS count_enable

2/18/ Synchronous vs Asynchronous In Asynchronous process, need not combine transition relation of each process Complexity of representing set of states reachable in n steps higher in asynchronous processes occassionally due to higher number of interleavings

2/18/ Implicit Modelling TRANS - boolean valued expr restricting transition relation of system INIT - boolean valued expression giving initial states INVAR - boolean valued expression restricting set of all states of model

2/18/ Implicit Modelling Example MODULE main VAR gate1 : inverter(gate3.output); gate2 : inverter(gate1.output); gate3 : inverter(gate2.output); SPEC (AG AF gate1.out) & (AG AF !gate1.out) MODULE inverter(input) VAR Output : boolean; INIT output = 0; TRANS next(output) = !input | next(output) = output

2/18/ TRANS Advantages Group assignments to different variables Good for modelling guarded commands Disadvantages Logical absurdities can lead to unimplementable descriptions

2/18/ Shared Data Example Two Users assign pid to shared data in turn MODULE main VAR data : boolean; turn : boolean; user0 : user(0, data, turn); user1 : user(1, data, turn); ASSIGN next(turn) := !turn; SPEC AG (AF data & AF (!data))

2/18/ Shared data example (cont..) Using ASSIGN and CASE statement won’t work(constraining sema all the time) MODULE user(pid, data, turn) ASSIGN next(data) := case turn: pid; 1 : data; esac; Line 3: multiple assignment: next(data)

2/18/ Using TRANS TRANS useful for changing shared data in synchronous system between modules. MODULE user(pid, turn, data) TRANS turn -> next(data) = pid

2/18/ Guarded Commands Guard1 : action1 Guard2 : action2.. Otherwise nop TRANS (guard1 & action1)| (guard2 & action2)| … (!guard1 & !guard2 & … & “nop”)

2/18/ TRANS Pitfall True -> next(b) = 0 & True -> next(b) = 1 & … Results in an empty transition relation

2/18/ TRANS Guidelines Try using ASSIGN instead Write in a disjunction of conjunction format Try covering all cases Try make guards disjoint

2/18/ SMV Steps Read_Model : read model from input smv file Flatten_hierarchy : instantiate modules and processes Build_model : compile the model into BDDs (initial state, invar, transition relation) Check_spec : checking specification bottom up

2/18/ Run SMV smv [options] inputfile -c cache-size for BDD operations -k key-table-size for BDD nodes -v verbose -int interactive mode -r prints out statistics about reachable state space

2/18/ SMV Options –f computes set of reachable states first Model checking algorithm traverses only the set of reachable states instead of complete state space. useful if reachable state space is a small fraction of total state space

2/18/ SMV Options: Reordering vars Variable reordering is crucial for small BDD sizes and speed. Generally, variables which are related need to be close in the ordering. –i filename –o filename Input, output BDD variable ordering to given file. -reorder Invokes automatic variable reordering

2/18/ SMV Options: Transition relation smv -cp part_limit  Conjunctive Partitioning: Transition relation not evaluated as a whole, instead individual next() assignments are grouped into partitions that do not exceed part_limit  Uses less memory and benefits from early quantification

2/18/ SMV options: -inc  Perform incremental evaluation of the transition relation  At each step in forward search, transition relation restriced to reached state set  Cuts down on size of transition relation with overhead of extra computation

2/18/ Example: Client & Server MODULE client (ack) VAR state : {idle, requesting}; req : boolean; ASSIGN init(state) := idle; next(state) := case state=idle : {idle, requesting}; state=requesting & ack : {idle, requesting}; 1 : state; esac; req := (state=requesting);

2/18/ MODULE server (req) VAR state : {idle, pending, acking}; ack : boolean; ASSIGN next(state) := case state=idle & req : pending; state=pending : {pending, acking}; state=acking & req : pending; state=acking & !req : idle; 1 : state; esac; ack := (state = acking);

2/18/ Is the specification true? MODULE main VAR c : client(s.ack); s : server(c.req); SPEC AG (c.req -> AF s.ack) Need fairness constraint: Suggestion: FAIRNESS s.ack Why is this bad? Solution: FAIRNESS (c.req -> s.ack)

2/18/ NuSMV Specifications expressible in CTL, LTL and Real time CTL logics Provides both BDD and SAT based model checking. Uses a number of heuristics for achieving efficiency and control state explosion Higher number of features in interactive mode

2/18/ Cadence SMV Provides “compositional techniques” to verify large complex systems by decomposition to smaller problems. Provides a variety of techniques for refinement verification, symmetry reductions, uninterpreted functions, data type reductions.

2/18/ Useful Links SMV sources, binaries and manuals SMV man page SMV manual Tutorial on verification techniques using Cadence SMV SMV Input Language documentation

2/18/ Downloads SMV NuSMV Cadence SMV mv