Cryo Capture Cavity II Progress Mike McGee April 6, 2005
DESY will Provide Input coupler assembly 2 VAT valves Magnet shielding (short) Helium vessel 1.3 GHz cavity
Status at Fermilab Designing VAT valve supports, shipping/installation fixture (to be made of 316 L) 316 LN material and tube ready to order 316 L bellows specified and ordered (to arrive 4/24) Finalizing US AND DS warm-to-cold transition and VAT valve to cavity spool design
US warm-to-cold transition
DS warm-to-cold transition
Fermilab will Provide To be send to DESY Cleaned US and DS warm-to-cold transitions (w/isolation flanges on ends and slight positive Ar pressure) Drawing and procedure for assembly with fixture to be shipped Shipping/installation fixture Cleaned VAT valve supports Cleaned helium vessel support clamps Cleaned spool between cavity and VAT valve (also capped on ends)
Fermilab will Provide Currently at Fermilab Vacuum vessel and instrumentation 80 K shielding 5 K manifold Tuner 2 Spare VAT valves
Process Send to DESY (May 2005) Cleaned US and DS warm-to-cold transitions and spool Under argon positive pressure valve w/filter blank flange
Process cont… 2 helium vessel support clamps
Process cont… VAT valve supports
Process cont… Shipping/installation fixture with temporary supports for bellows with crate
Process cont… Work at DESY (May-June 2005) Warm-to-cold transition Magnet shielding VAT valves with supports Cavity and helium vessel Assemble Clean US and DS warm-to-cold transitions Spool between VAT valve and cavity
Process cont… Send to Fermilab (July 2005) Assembled cavity with VAT valves, shielding, spool and transitions
Process cont… Work at Fermilab (July-August 2005) Modify helium return Install cavity assembly into vacuum vessel Pressure test helium vessel Make up cryogenic connections Test fit feedcan and leak check circuits
Process cont… Install cavity assembly into vacuum vessel
Process cont… Make up cryogenic connections Test fit feedcan and leak check circuits Commission Cryo Capture Cavity II
Questions and Requests Need DESY cleaning procedure Need to confirm critical measurements