WHAT IS A CV? curriculum vitae an outline of a person's educational and professional history, usually prepared for job applications (L, lit.: the course of one's life) Also known as: resumé
What is the purpose of a CV? To inform the employer about your: education work experience skills interests To persuade the employer, on the basis of this information, that you are potentially suitable for the job and are therefore worth interviewing
When should a CV be used? When an employer asks for applications to be received in this format When an employer simply states "apply to..." without specifying the format When making speculative applications (i.e. when writing to an employer who has not actually advertised a vacancy but who you hope may have one)
WHAT SHOULD A CV INCLUDE? Personal details Education and qualifications Work experience Interests Practical skills Referees
PERSONAL DETAILS Your name! (use this as the heading) Your contact details: –Postal address(es) –Phone number(s) – address You may also include (but don’t have to) : –Nationality –Male/female (but only if this isn’t clear from your name)
VESPER LYND Home Address: 10 London Road, Middlemarch, MM2 6AZ Term Address: 1a Wildwood Court, Park Wood, University of Kent, Canterbury CT2 7SZ Tel: Nationality: British Sex: Female
EDUCATION & QUALIFICATIONS Combine both: head each section in this category with the name of the university/school/college, then the subjects studied and exams taken there, with dates Accountancy firms like detail: list all your modules/subjects and grades
EDUCATION AND QUALIFICATIONS 2009 to dateThe University of Kent BA Accounting and Finance - expect to graduate June 2012 First year: Financial Accounting I (Distinction); Quantitative Methods (Merit); Business Law (Merit); Economics (Distinction); Computing (Merit) Second year: Financial Accounting II; Strategic Management; Management Accounting I; Principles of Finance
Casubon High School, Middlemarch 2009A-levels: English (A); French (B); Business Studies (B) 2008AS levels: Mathematics (B); History (B) 2007GCSEs: English Language (A); Mathematics (A); English Literature (A); French (A); Spanish (B); History (A); Geography (C); Biology (B); Music (A)
WORK EXPERIENCE If you don’t have much experience at this stage, list it all – even if you don’t feel it’s “relevant” – and highlight the skills you have gained from it If you have a lot of experience, you may: –Separate it into “relevant” and “other” –Summarise the less-relevant experience “Experience” doesn’t just mean “paid work” – include volunteering, work-shadowing etc if you like
SKILLS Almost any kind of work experience will help you to demonstrate the “transferable skills” that employers look for For accountancy employers, these include: –Teamworking –Client focus –Commercial awareness –Attention to detail –Problem-solving –Time management
WORK EXPERIENCE Summer 2010Bulstrode Insurance Ltd, Lowick Responsible for data inputting, liaison with clients and general office duties Developed skills in dealing with business customers, chiefly over the telephone, and in working accurately under pressure. Summer 2009 Tick & Holler Accountants, Middlemarch Gained experience in the tax department, entering data into clients’ tax returns and contacting clients to obtain further information or documentation Assisted with stocktakes and audits, including sampling and checking
Flora Motley Ltd, High Street, Middlemarch Saturday Sales Assistant in fashion store: customer service, stock control, cash handling. This involved me in advising and assisting customers, coping with problems and unexpected situations (such as a fire alarm)and taking responsibility for counting up and banking money.
INTERESTS AND ACTIVITIES Anything a bit “different” or “interesting” in this section can help you to stand out from other candidates These can also demonstrate your skills and competencies Don’t worry, though, if you have little to put in this section provided that other sections (especially work experience) can compensate Make your interests interesting!
INTERESTS AND ACTIVITIES SportBadminton (member of the University badminton club); tennis (played for the school team) swimming; trampolining. Car Looking after my twenty-year-old Mini and Maintenance meeting other Mini owners at rallies TravelSummer two-week international voluntary workcamp in Spain One month Inter-Railing through France and Italy in summer 2009
SKILLS LanguagesGood command of French and Spanish ComputingFamiliarity with Windows packages including MS Word, MS Access and Internet Explorer DrivingFull, clean driving licence SKILLS This section should include just your practical, relevant and work-related skills, such as:
REFERENCES Give the name and contact details of two referees If you have run out of space on the CV you can just say “references available on request” Ideally, one academic and one work-related or character reference ALWAYS ask permission before giving someone’s name as a referee!
COVERING LETTERS Introduce yourself: -what are you applying for? -where did you hear about the firm? Sell yourself: -your motivation -your past experience -your skills -your knowledge of accountancy/of this firm -your ability to communicate effectively in writing! Provide essential information: -your availability -refer the reader on to your CV/form
FURTHER HELP AND INFORMATION Making Applications - Careers Service booklet Making Applications - AGCAS booklet AGCAS DVDs - Looking Good on Paper (CVs) and Your Job’s On-Line (application forms) TARGET Jobs sectors/accountancy-and-financial-management advice from graduate recruiters in this sector
GOOD LUCK! Careers Advisory Service Opening hours: 9am - 5pm Monday – Friday