On St.Petersburg State University Computing Centre and our 1st results in the Data Challenge-2004 for ALICE V.Bychkov, G.Feofilov, Yu.Galyuck, A.Zarochensev, V.I.Zolotarev St.Petersburg State University, Russia Contents SPbSU computing and communication center in Petrodvorets (structure, capabilities, communications, general activity). The progress obtained in summer 2004 in St.Petersburg in DC for ALICE. Future plans The 1 st Nordic Grid Neighborhood Workshop, Linkoping, Sweden Reported by G.Feofilov
St.Petersburg state university today See
SPbSU Informational and Computing Center: Some history Due to the historical reasons Saint Petersburg State University consists from 2 space- divided part. One of them located in the central part of the St. Petersburg. Other in the Petrodvorets – 40 kilometers from it. That’s why and also due to the fact that many other educational centers of the St. Petersburg are located in the central part, the optical channel from Petrodvorets to central part of St. Petersburg was created (during ).
SPbSU Informational-computing center External net - channels
SPbSU Informational-Computing Center in : Computers (summary) From them: servers Local nets (summary) From them: virtual Magistral networks From them: optical The network equipment «Cisco» From them : routers switchs
Dynamics of performance of SPbSU computational center (MFlops) in :
SPbSU Informational-Computing Center net structure(2003) 8
SPbSU Informational-computing center clusters photos 11
SPbSU Informational-computing center: Software evolution 1999 – os freeBSD – OPEN PBS as users job scheduling system – os redHat 6.2, systems of the quantum-chemicals calculations: CRYSTAL 95 and GAMESS design and development of the Portal of the High Performance Computing (WEBWS) (due to our legend it is called so from words “web work space”) 2002 – the first cluster to study the grid-technologies and grid- applications participating in the alien project (site participating in the ALICE Data Challenge (see monitoring at
SPbSU Informational-computing center: More on software evolution 2003-… 2003 – collaboration with the IBM started Due to collaboration with IBM we changed many parts of the informational-computing center: New net-monitoring system New storage system with SAN (storage area network) New portal development technologies - portlets and websphere
SPbSU Informational-computing center net monitoring status Tivoli NetView Tivoli Enterprise Console Tivoli Data Warehouse Tivoli Decision Support DB2 Reports, statistics Structure, monitoring visualization events
SPbSU Informational-computing center storage system status HACMP (High Availability Cluster Multi- Processing) Monitoring and management of the net - Tivoli SAN Manager Management of the storage elements: IBM Total Storage Manager, IBM Total Storage Specialist, Brocade Advanced Web Tools Archivating, reserve coping and restoring system TSM - Tivoli Storage Manager RDBMS DB2 UDB (8.1) RDBMS DB2 UDB (8.1) Content Management System Content Management System CM 8.1 CM 8.1
SPbSU Informational-computing center storage photos
Portal of the High Performance Computing (WEBWS)
SPbSU Informational-computing center. Portal of the High Performance Computing (WEBWS) WEBWS consists from 3 main part : 1. Informational part – monitoring of the computational resources based on Ganglia (open source software product), monitoring users tasks queries 2. Work space – users work space for development and starting tasks 3. Administrative part
WEBWS logical structure Informational part Administrative part WEBWS (work space)
WEBWS logical structure Internet ADM DBWEBWS DB Clusters
WEBWS logical structure Authorization system Interface WEBWS DB PBS Server WEBWS Server
WEBWS modules User InfoSession Info WEBWS Server Info User Projects Info WS module Crystal module …
WEBWS monitoring part - ganglia
SPbSU Informational-computing center. Some plans for the future Continue collaboration with IBM Continue development WEBWS … Continue Alice data challenge Transition to gLite in some near future together with ALICE Parton String Model in parallel mode and physics performance analysis for ALICE Participation in the Mammogrid
SPbSU in Data Challenge : Globus Toolkit 2.4 was installed, tests started July 2003: AliEn was installed ( P. Saiz) July 2004: start of tests jobs in grid- cluster “alice”.
Cluster alice. alice.spbu.ru, Alien-Services alice07.spbu.ru alice03.spbu.ru alice02.spbu.ru alice08.spbu.ru alice06.spbu.ru alice05.spbu.ru alice04.spbu.ru work nodes alice09.spbu.ru SE, CE(pbs-server)
Configuration of cluster in July 2004 alice: 512 MB RAM, PIII 1x733 CPU alice09: 256 MB RAM, Celeron 1x1200 CPU Alice02-08: 512 MB RAM (512 MB swap), PIII 2x600 CPU, 2x4.5 GB SCSI HDD
Configuration of cluster in September 2004 (upgraded) alice: 512 MB RAM, PIII 1x733 CPU alice09: 256 MB RAM,40 GB TB HDD, Celeron 1x1200 CPU Alice02-08: 1 GB RAM (4 GB swap), PIII 2x600 CPU (only one CPU is used), 40 GB IDE HDD.
Available disks space
Running jobs on SPbSU CE from to (min 1job max 7 job)
Started jobs on SPbSU CE from
Ganglia monitoring of alice cluster.
Some Further Plans for Alice DC: SPbSU is planning to continue DC2004 participation with the resources: alice: 512 MB RAM, 40 GB., PIII 1x733 CPU alice09: 256 MB RAM,40 GB TB HDD, Celeron 1x1200 CPU Alice02-08: 1 GB RAM (4 GB swap), PIII 2x600 CPU (two CPUs), 40 GB IDE HDD. ….more in the next report at the present workshop