ECIV 720 A Advanced Structural Mechanics and Analysis Non-Linear Problems in Solid and Structural Mechanics Special Topics
Introduction Nonlinear Behavior: Response is not directly proportional to the action that produces it. P
Introduction Recall Assumptions Small Deformations Linear Elastic Behavior
Introduction Linear Behavior
Introduction A. Small Displacements Inegrations over undeformed volume Strain-displacement matrix does not depend on
Introduction B. Linear Elastic Material Matrix [E] does not depend on
Introduction C. Boundary Conditions do not change (Implied Assumption) Constraints do not depend on
Introduction If any of the assumptions is NOT satisfied NONLINEARITIES Material Assumption B not satisfied Geometric Assumption A & or C not satisfied
Classification of Nonlinear Analysis Small Displacements, small rotations Nonlinear stress-strain relation
Classification of Nonlinear Analysis Large Displacements, large rotations and small strains – Linear or nonlinear material behavior
Classification of Nonlinear Analysis Large Displacements, large rotations and large strains – Linear or nonlinear material behavior
Classification of Nonlinear Analysis Change in Boundary Condition
Classification of Nonlinear Analysis
Nonlinear Analysis Cannot immediately solve for {d} Iterative Process Required to obtain {d} so that equilibrium is satisfied
Solution Methods
Newton Raphson With initial conditions
Modified Newton-Raphson