1/8/07184 Lecture 11 PHY 184 Physics for Scientists & Engineers 2 Spring Semester 2007 Lecture 1
1/8/07184 Lecture 12 Meet Your Professor (1) Section 1 Prof. Reinhart Schienhorst Section 2 Prof. Daniel Stump
1/8/07184 Lecture 13 Meet Your Professor (2) Daniel Stump Ph. D (M. I. T.) Teaching at MSU since 1980 Theoretical High-Energy Physics Office hours Mon & Thu, 1:00 -2:30 pm Learning Center (Room 1248) Best way to contact me – after class
1/8/07184 Lecture 14 Comparing Data and Theory
1/8/07184 Lecture 15 Meet Your Professor (2) Daniel Stump Ph. D (M. I. T.) Teaching at MSU since 1980 Theoretical High-Energy Physics Office hours Mon & Thu, 1:00 -2:30 pm Learning Center (Room 1248) Best way to contact me – after class
1/8/07184 Lecture 16 Textbook Bauer and Westfall “Physics for Scientists and Engineers 2”, McGraw-Hill (2005). Available at the MSU Bookstore
1/8/07184 Lecture 17 PHY 184 on the Web Web site: Homework web site Strosacker Learning Center in Room 1248 BPS (this building) will be our help room for LON-CAPA homework. Coverage will be numerous and varied hours each week.
1/8/07184 Lecture 18 LON-CAPA Login Enter your MSU mail id Enter your password Enter msu Click or hit return
1/8/07184 Lecture 19 Grades We grade on a fixed scale - no curve What Counts% Midterm 120% Midterm 220% Final Exam30% Homework30% Total 100% Up to 5% extra credit: In- class quizzes using HITT clickers
1/8/07184 Lecture 110 To get a good grade in PHY 184, you’ll need to do 4 things: /1/ Come to class, pay attention, take notes. (4 hours/wk) /2/ Do the reading. (2 hours/wk) /3/ Do the LON-CAPA homework. (8 hours/wk at least ) /4/ Study for the exams. (10 hours the week before the exam)
1/8/07184 Lecture 111 Clicker Quizzes Enroll your clicker in LON-CAPA by giving your clicker ID! HITT clickers – purchase at the bookstore
1/8/07184 Lecture 112 Clicker Sign-up Registration in LON-CAPA: Course document “Clicker”
1/8/07184 Lecture 113 Schedule for PHY 184 Lectures M, Tu, W, Th 9: :00 Two Midterm Exams Thursday, February 8 Thursday, March 22 Final Exam Time – Thursday May 3 Location - TBA Homework due each Tuesday morning at 8:00 am If you care about your grade, come to class ! Work on homework every day!
1/8/07184 Lecture 114 Syllabus and Exams
1/8/07184 Lecture 115 Electromagnetism
1/8/07184 Lecture 116 Electricity and Magnetism Electricity and magnetism have been known for thousands of years. The philosophers of ancient Greece knew that a piece of amber rubbed with fur would attract small, light objects The word for electron and electricity derive from the Greek word for amber, . Naturally occurring magnetic materials called lodestones were used as early as 300 BC to construct compasses. The relationship between electricity and magnetism was not known until the middle of the 19 th century.
1/8/07184 Lecture 117 Fundamental Forces of Nature The force of gravity was described by Isaac Newton Late 17th century In the 20th century, two more forces were discovered The weak force and the strong force – inside the atomic nucleus The electromagnetic force and the weak force have a unified theory The electroweak force 1979 Nobel prize in physics for Weinberg, Salam, and Glashow Currently physicists are working to unify the electroweak force and the strong force. Gravity remains a puzzle although it was identified first.
1/8/07184 Lecture 118 The Four Forces We think that the four fundamental forces work by exchanging elementary particles Gravity - graviton (has not been observed) Electromagnetic – photon (the elementary component of light) Weak - W and Z bosons (first observed 1983, but unstable) Strong – gluons (first observed 1978, but confined) Thus forces can act across distance (objects not touching) The Sun attracts the Earth from 93 million miles away A magnet attracts iron. The forces act through the fields of the exchanged particles.
1/8/07184 Lecture 119 Gravitational and Electric Forces For gravity we defined a gravitational force… …and a gravitational potential We will do the same for the electric force and the electric potential. We will develop the theory of the electric field to describe the electric force.
1/8/07184 Lecture 120 Elementary Particles Exchange particles Leptons Quarks
1/8/07184 Lecture 121 Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Link