Lecture 6 Normal faults 2
Normal faults Tectonic environments (5) Landscapes (6) Coseismic structures and patterns (6) –Case history from Nevada, 1954 –Case history from Idaho, 1983
from MacQuarrie and Wernicke (2005)
Some landforms: Triangular facets, alluvial aprons, wineglass canyons, and turtlebacks
Fault ribbons, alluvial aprons and triangular facets
Triangular facets, wine-glass canyons, and slumps
A “brick” (or two) The “Building” Mani peninsula, Greece
Orem Ephesus
Faulting versus dike intrusion in the Mono Basin, eastern California
Calculation of slip rates ~25m/15,000 years McGee Creek, eastern Sierra Nevada
A Case History: Ruptures of the Dixie Valley and Fairview Peak earthquakes, 1954
Historical ruptures in the Central Nevada Seismic Zone Irregularity of fault plane in direction perpendicular to slip vector
Stillwater rangefront
A Case History: Rupture of the Lost River Range fault during the Borah Peak earthquake, Idaho, 1983
Geometry of the fault rupture
A detail of the rupture
Coseismic slip function
Vertical coseismic deformation
Coseismic vertical deformation profile Aftershock cross-section Geologic cross-section