1 IT Transition Team Infrastructure Workgroup Meeting # 12 April 13, :30pm-2:30pm
2 Agenda General Updates from Program Management & Co-Chairs Business Process Redesign Assignment Updated Transition Team Timeline Questions
3 General Updates from Co-Chairs and Program Mgt. Feedback from the Transition Team re: Infrastructure SDT Review Co-Chairs and PMs presented 4/6/11 the Transition team for feedback on our SDT and issues/questions from us. General feedback was positive. Some specifics: –There was a lot of talk about “bundling” and “simplifying” – incentivize use of standard bundles –They asked that we consider “green” options –They’d like us to take out references in the SDT’s to vendor specific names or trademarks –We talked a lot about “next gen”, mobility, wireless and video –Need consistency in tier definitions in SLAs for various INF services –We need to build in more support of international groups –Several service areas (e.g. cloud based storage) need significant policy definition work in advance – Consulting services: needs further discussion on how best to meet –Generally: need more executive discussion of “Harvard’s philosophy of the workplace” – bundling and cultural change; deployment of new technologies
4 General Updates from Co-Chairs and Program Mgt. Upcoming Town Hall Meetings Agenda: Leadership Visions; Staff Transition Process; Guidance for Upcoming Staff Survey (now to be launched during the week after the Town Halls) –4/18 3:00pm – 4:30pm Geological Lecture Hall 100, 24 Oxford Street –4/22 9:00am – 10:30am Spangler Auditorium, HBS Staff Survey to be released 4/22 (new date) –Mandatory survey will be ed to all; 10 questions to be filled out to assess “skills” and areas for training –Manager Information Sessions will be held to preview the survey and ask questions Naming Contest will be announced the week of 4/18 HR Developing new Job Family Structure based on Industry Best Practices
5 General Updates from Co-Chairs and Program Mgt. Business Process Re-design (BPR) –An exercise for all business units to assess and document current Service Request, Incident Management, Problem Management and Change Management processes, with the goal of eventually streamlining and improving these processes for the organization as a whole
The Next 11 Weeks More on Process Design As part of implementation planning, we must focus on 4 key customer-facing processes that are critical to our success on 6/15: 1.Service Request Management 2.Incident Management 3.Problem Management 4.Change Management 6 Key DatesKey Activities 4/11 – 4/15 (this week) PMs and Co-chairs self-orientation around 3 key processes Study provided templates together with WG Co-chairs Clarify any questions / concerns with Program Director Begin review of existing process-related documentation from CA or FAS 4/18 – 4/22 Review & Feedback for draft v2 template – Co-Chairs & PMs Continue documenting and validating current state processes with WGs 4/25 – 4/29 Rapid prototype of future state processes Prioritize and plan communications/training launches to IT staff Integrate detailed service definitions content into Implementation Roadmap BPR Templates due to PM by 2:00pm 4/29 Added Change Management As such, please take the next 2-3 weeks of WG meeting time to document the current ways we manage these processes as described in this document:
Harvard University IT Services Transition Program Working Definitions for In-scope Service Management Processes 7 ProcessDescription Service Request Management Working Definition: The point of contact when a customer / user requests an IT service Purpose: –To provide a single point of contact for customers / users –To facilitate the restoration of normal operational service w/ minimal business impact on the customer / user within agreed-to service levels and business priorities –To manage each customer / user contact and interaction with the IT service provider throughout its lifecycle Incident Management Working Definition: An “incident” is an unplanned interruption of a service, or a reduction in the agreed-to quality of service Purpose: –To restore normal service operation as quickly as possible and minimize the impact on business operations Problem Management Working Definition: A “problem” is the unknown cause(s) of one or more incidents Purpose: –To reduce the number and impact of incidents –To identify the root cause of incidents or faults in the IT environment –To prevent incidents from reoccurring –To record information that will improve the way in which IT deals with problems Change Management Working Definition: a “change” in IT service management is an addition, modification, or removal of anything that could have an impact on IT services, usually stated as a change to a configurable item (or “CI”). Purpose: –To respond to changing customer and IT requirements, providing a structured avenue for implementing change while minimizing risk, reducing incidents, and avoiding disruption and re-work
Next Steps This week –Finalize template for current state process narratives (Program Director) –Start using above template (all PMs + Co-chairs) –Begin review of any existing process-related documentation from Center or FAS Next week (Week of 4/18) – for Co-chair + PM review and feedback the draft v2 template for the Implementation Roadmap (Program Director) –Continue documenting and validating current state processes together with WGs In 2+ weeks from now (starting Week of 4/25) –Rapid prototyping of future state processes –Prioritize and plan communications and training launches to IT staff (where needed, and in alignment with staff survey results that will be analyzed Week of 5/2) –Integrate detailed service definitions content (.doc file) into Implementation Roadmap In 3+ weeks from now (starting Weeks of 5/2 or 5/9 through early June) –Continue developing Implementation Roadmap and Plan –Refine communications and training plan to IT staff per workforce / staff survey analysis data where needed 8h
Program Snapshot 9 We are here (Week 14 of 24) New IT Service Catalog 12-mo Implementatio n Plan, including: –Basic Interim Processes New IT Service Catalog 12-mo Implementatio n Plan, including: –Basic Interim Processes IT Funding Framework Common Job Families Comms. Strategy + Tools IT Funding Framework Common Job Families Comms. Strategy + Tools New IT Organization Mission, Vision, Values New IT Organization Mission, Vision, Values
The Next 11 Weeks Updated Integrated High-level Workplan (preliminary) 10 Program Area I. Org Design + Build Draft new IT org mission, vision, and values Develop new IT org name Develop new org branding Design new org structure II. Service Delivery Identify + define customers’ service needs Identify, define, categorize, + refine services Design, build, test, + launch new website + svc catalog Plan for transition III. Foundational Support IT Finance IT HR Program Communications WK21 5/23-27 WK14* 4/4-8 WK15 4/11-15 WK17 4/25-29 WK19 5/9-13 WK22* 5/31-6/3 WK16* 4/18-22 WK18* 5/2-6 WK20* 5/16-20 WK23 6/6-10 WK24* 6/13-17 Conduct org values workshops Finalize + “launch” new org values Draft Creativ e Brief Conduct naming contest Ann- ounce Finalize and approve ‘Visual Identity’ Prepare for rollout of new brand in top 2-3 priority areas (e.g., new website, storefront, other key real estate) Finalize all IT services (incl. editorial refinements) IT InfraClient SvcsAcad ITAdmin IT Validate scope, approach, assumptns Build wireframes + new IA Migrate / re-write / re-direct content as needed Test functionality + usability Obtain Round 2 (R2) customer input Confirm priority basic interim processes Document current state, holdovers + imprvmt opps Design new basic interim processes (incl. roles + responsibilities – R+R) Confirm indiv ownershp level; Conduct major change mgmt / comms efforts (incl. awareness + “training”) Engage CIO Council on Svc Catalog Design new funding model framework + supporting process(es) Advisor + SteerComm reviews; Incorporate feedback Draft 12-mo Implementation Plan + Exec Summary Submit + present plan to necessary stakeholders Conduct staff survey Rvw responses w/ Mgrs Analyze workforce data + map staff per demand + priorities Communicate mappings To be refined per above WG milestones + communications needs… Design + build major bus. units + Sr Mgmt levels) Clarify ‘grey areas,’ incl. detailed dynamics Conduct team building exercises as needed 4/6 DRAFT
11 Questions? Questions/Concerns??