Gwynneth Davidoff, Kendall Pletcher, Mary Schmidt, Amy Whitcombe
Expanded WBS 1. Software 1.1 GUI (Gwyn and Kendall) Desired high voltage for target (0-10kV) Desired high voltage for multiplier (0-3kV) Desired LED flux (help fleshing out this concept would be useful) Housekeeping details instantaneously measured LED current LED temperature High voltage scopes 1.2 PIC/Arduinos (Amy and Mary) Input to high voltage for target (0-10kV) Input to high voltage for multiplier (0-3 kV) Input to LED to achieve desired flux Housekeeping sensors input LED current LED temperature High voltage scopes 1.3 Interfacing PIC and GUI Identify which outputs/inputs each would need to give/take
Expanded WBS (cont.) 2. Hardware 2.1 Sensors (Gwyn) Choosing sensors Current sensors Temperature sensors Physical placement of sensors Current sensors Temperature sensors 2.2 Circuits – Design and PCB (Kendall) USB (Mary) Choosing ideal USB control Determine how to set up USB such that PIC and GUI are connected Interfacing USB control with other hardware Other circuits (Amy) Individual component setup (i.e.: PIC) Determine how to lay out DC-DC converters, LED, PIC together 2.3 Overall components box
Updated PERT chart
Accomplished recently Continuing research Basic review: about LEDs, power regulators, useful sensors, useful PoE labs Pursuing PICs instead of Arduinos Cost, learning experience, size ed Keith
Keith told us… Device precision requirements V output accuracy Temp. to.5 degrees, current to 1 mA He will send us LEDs, DC-DC converters (and MXS) Looking for system to control relative outputs of LED instead of matching to an exact value? (discuss more on Thursday)