Narrowing Your Societal Problem Topic - help for exercise 2.7
Topic Selection Ex. 2.7 Must be in on of the following: Crime, Education, Environment, Health, Housing, Jobs and Ec. Development or Poverty 2.7 Write Your narrowed societal problem here
Start With a Problem; Not A Policy Gun Control Gun Related Crimes
Focus on Specific Problems Poverty Has to be Narrowed to ---Low income Housing ---Hunger ---Unemployment ---Welfare Fraud Be sure to say “too much” or “too little”
Exploring Topics This module is about collecting information But you need to have a comprehensive picture of what is happening in your locality for the next 3 modules. Here are some suggestions
Crime Arrests for homicides, drug sales, theft DWI/DUI PINS—persons in need of supervision Gangs
Jobs Loss of jobs Poor Job skills
Education High school graduation rates Student test performance
Health and Youth Adolescent Pregnancies STD’s
Health and Access Common theme is the 45 million Americans don’t have health insurance Does that mean they don’t have health care?
Health AIDS Flu Nursing Shortage Others?
Environment Onondaga Lake Recycling Air Pollution Brownfields