CORBA-Based Enterprise System Development
(c) Yi Deng, Problems and Challenges Multiple platforms, languages and systems Mixture of client-server and mainframe-based applications built as stand-alone systems Proprietary, legacy systems Conflicting data formats and semantic definitions Integration not planned in original designs
(c) Yi Deng, Possible Solutions System development as composition rather than programming Middleware, design patterns and frameworks Component-based software engineering Standard-based open system development Building a standardized information technology infrastructure Planning and developing a long term architectural vision
(c) Yi Deng, Component Software Uniform access to services Uniform discovery of resources and object names Uniform error handling methods Uniform security policies
(c) Yi Deng, Where to Begin? Uniform communication infrastructure –Platform (hardware, operating systems, communication protocols) independence –Uniform interaction protocol Transparent programming in heterogeneous environment –Language independence –Location transparency –Separation of interface and implementation Common building blocks –Domain independent –Domain specific
(c) Yi Deng, Object Management Architecture
(c) Yi Deng, Problem I. Common Communication Infrastructure Key: hide difference Issues: –Difference in hardware communication –Difference in network protocols and operating systems –Difference in languages –Difference in invocation methods and exception handling
(c) Yi Deng, Solution: Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)
(c) Yi Deng, Role of Object Request Broker
(c) Yi Deng, How Does ORB Work?
(c) Yi Deng, Problem II. System Integration and Reuse Key: standard component model Issues: –How to describe an object/server/function/application –How to find an object –How to compose applications –How to reuse object/components
(c) Yi Deng, Goal: Ideal Integration Model
(c) Yi Deng, Toward A Scalable and Manageable Solution
(c) Yi Deng, Solution: Common Integration Infrastructure Separation of interface from implementation Interface Definition Language (CORBA IDL) Services not objects Independent interface specification Unified naming and invocation model Find services through interface repository Common services and facilities
(c) Yi Deng, Mapping Solution to CORBA
(c) Yi Deng, How Does CORBA Work?
(c) Yi Deng, How Does CORBA Work? - continued Using IDL interface to separate client and object implementation from ORB –Client only sees object interface not implementation –Plug-and-play composition Client does not pass request directly to object –Request is always passed through ORB Result: location/language/OS/platform transparency
(c) Yi Deng, How to Use CORBA - Role of OMG Language Mapping
(c) Yi Deng, How to Use CORBA - Producing IDL, Client/Object Implementation
(c) Yi Deng, How to Use CORBA - Integrating Imported Object with Client Implementation
(c) Yi Deng, Building CORBA Object: Summary Define object interface using OMG IDL (p. 24/25) Making choices of –Implementation language –runtime platform and OS –the ORB it will connect to –whether it will run local to its client or remotely –the network hardware or protocol it will use, etc Write code for the object Compile IDL interface, which generates Stub and Skeleton code Linking implementation code with Skeleton code connects the object to the ORB Integrating purchased object/component (p.26)
(c) Yi Deng, CORBA IDL IDL is pure specification, not implementation IDL file creates multiple language bindings Platform independence An IDL interface not necessarily correspond to single object implementation Interface inheritance supported Supports dynamic binding Supports multiple implementation
(c) Yi Deng, IDL Example
(c) Yi Deng, IDL Specification of Course Registration Model Module CourseRegistration { // Forward Declarations Interface Course; Interface FacultyMember; Interface Student { attribute string name; attribute string address; attribute unsigned long studentId; attribute string major; attribute float gradePointAverage; exception ClassFull {}; void enroll (in Course course) raises (ClassFull); exception HasNotCompleteReqts {}; void graduate () raises (HasNotCompleteReqts); Typedef sequence CourseList; CourseList class_list(); void notify_cancellation (in Course course); }
(c) Yi Deng, IDL Specification - continued interface Course { attribute string courseSubject; attribute unsigned short maxSize; enum SchoolSemesters {FALL, SPRING, SUMMER}; attribute SchoolSemesters semester; attribute unsigned long time; attribute string days; attribute unsigned short year; void register_student (in Student student); exception RoomSpaceUnavailable {}; void request_scheduling (in Time time, in string days, in SchoolSemesters semester, in unsigned short year, raises (RoomSpaceUnavailable); void cancel_class(); }; Interface FacultyMember { attribute String name; struct OfficeHours { string time, duration, days; }; attribute OfficeHours office_hours; attribute string office_address; attribute string department; exception TeachingLoadExceeded {}; void assign_class (in Course course) raises (TeachingLoadExceeded); typedef unsigned short TeachingHours; TeachingHours current_teaching_load (); };
(c) Yi Deng, CORBA 2 Overview
(c) Yi Deng, Role of ORB
(c) Yi Deng, Role of ORB - A Software Bus
(c) Yi Deng, Principal CORBA Interfaces
(c) Yi Deng, Understanding the ORB: Client Side Client requests may be passed to ORB through either static invocation interface (SII) or dynamic invocation interface (DII) SII decide object type and operation at compile time (static typing), DII at runtime (dynamic typing) Both allow dynamic binding – can select target object instance at runtime DII cannot check argument type correctness at compile time One IDL stub for each SI, while one DII shared by all dynamic invocations SII invocations generally synchronous (blocking), DII may be invoked synchronous, asynchronous or deferred synchronous
(c) Yi Deng, IDL Stubs Client stub is automatically generated by IDL compiler Client specifies target object instance via its object reference and through object IDL interfaces Client-to-stub interface (marshalling) is defined by standard OMG language mapping Stub-to-ORB interface proprietary The role of client is simply to request services. Object activation, deactivation, suspension, etc. are either performed automatically by the ORB or by customized services located outside the client
(c) Yi Deng, Dynamic Invocation Interface Trade off compile time type checking for runtime flexibility Gives a client the capability, at any time, of invoking any operation on any object it may access over the network Useful for accessing objects for which the client has no stub or discovered via naming or trading services. Server cannot distinguish between SI an d DI 4 steps to a DI –Identify the object to be invoked (e.g. via Trader Service) –Retrieve its interface –Construct the invocation –Invoke the request and receive the request
(c) Yi Deng, Management of IDL Interfaces - Interface Repository Allows IDL definitions for objects be stored, modified, and retrieved Can be used by ORB to: –Provide interoperability between different ORB implementations –Provide type-checking of request signatures, whether a request was issued through the DII or a stub –To check the correctness of inheritance graphs
(c) Yi Deng, Interface Repository - continued For client objects and users –To manage installation and distribution of interface definitions around your network –To browse or modify interface definitions or other info stored in IDL –Compilers could compile stubs and skeletons directly from IR instead of from the IDL files Access IR –Use utilities provided by ORB vendor –Write code that invokes the standard IR IDL interface mandated by OMG
(c) Yi Deng, Understanding the ORB: Implementation Side CORBA principle: simple client, complex server Object builders must write code to handshake with ORB
(c) Yi Deng, Implementation Side ORB Operation
(c) Yi Deng, Scenario of Object Invocation on Server Side A server process runs distinct from the ORB ORB receives a request targeting an object in the server. ORB checks its repository and determines that neither the server nor the object is currently active ORB activates server, and server is passed the info it needs to communicate with the BOA Server calls impl_is_ready on the BOA, indicating that the server is ready to activate objects
(c) Yi Deng, Scenario - continued BOA calls the server’s object activation routine for the target object, passing it the object reference. Server activates the object BOA passes the invocation to the object through the skeleton and receives the response, which it routes back to the client BOA may receive and pass additional request to the object Server may shut down an object using deactivate_obj Server may shut down entirely
(c) Yi Deng, Server-Side Structure
(c) Yi Deng, Server-Side Components Object adapter provides interfaces between ORB and object, implementation depends on specific object implementation model ORB uses Dynamic Skeleton Interface (DSI) to create a proxy skeleton for objects, typically remote, whose static skeletons are not bound to it ORB interfaces provides operations on object references, access to interface and implementation repository
(c) Yi Deng, Object Implementation Structure Most objects are not running and active all the time ORB, CORBAServices work together to activate the objects when necessary Context switch hidden from user Responsibility of handling object state changes shifted to object implementor When writing an OMA-compliant object, you have to provide a way to save the object state at shut down and to checkpoint the object state No standard enforcement on this implementor responsibility
(c) Yi Deng, Object Adaptors Responsible for –registering implementations –generating and interpreting object references –mapping object references to their corresponding implementations –activating and deactivating object implementations –invoking methods, via skeleton or DSI –coordinating interaction security, in cooperation with the Security Object service
(c) Yi Deng, Server-Side Summary Thin clients, fat servers ORB handles transparent communication Object adapter provides interfaces between ORB and object implementation & represents implementation of object model To client, server always there, always available and always in consistent state Object implementation must support the realization of this client-side simplicity
(c) Yi Deng, CORBAservices Representing basic functions needed by most application developments Reduced effort for application development and encourages compatible systems Bases for component-based software development Real savings for end-user companies adopting OMG technology Declared in IDL Explicit operation sequencing dependencies No implementation descriptions
(c) Yi Deng, CORBAservices in OMA
(c) Yi Deng, CORBAservices Architecture
(c) Yi Deng, Event Service Defines generic interfaces for passing information among multiple sources and consumers Sources and consumers don’t need to have direct knowledge of each other, thus de-coupling consumers from event sources with grouping and delivery mechanism managed by the Service Can be used as multicast mechanism without direct connection between sender and receivers
(c) Yi Deng, Event Service Functions Supports multiple styles of interaction (between application and the Service; two principal styles: push and pull PUSH - event source makes out call to consumers PULL - event source waits for consumer to make a call back in order to receive the next event notification PULL consists of polled and blocking mode Supports different styles of interactions simultaneously all interoperating at the same time through the same event channel
(c) Yi Deng, Event Service Interfaces
(c) Yi Deng, Event Service Objects Event factory object implements the Lifecycle service operations specific to the Event service, and responsible for creating event channel objects Event channel object supports several interfaces for event notification and other operations
(c) Yi Deng, Event Service Scenario
(c) Yi Deng, Naming Service A general directory service to be used by most applications Provides mapping between object name and reference Can be used as an interface wrapper over existing naming directory services Names maybe object names or operation names Name bindings are always relative to a scope called naming context; names are unique to their naming context Name resolution is mapping from name to object within a context
(c) Yi Deng, Naming Context Hierarchy Example
(c) Yi Deng, Naming Services Key operations: bind and resolve Primary objects in the Naming service are naming context objects Schema that defines the directory trees and the naming conventions used in these trees is an application design choice Names are represented as a sequence of structures. Each structure is a (name, kind) pair. The intention is that the structure sequence would be converted into path names for use in platform specific environment
(c) Yi Deng, Naming Service Naming service usually requires following conventions defined –Definition of the local naming schema structure of naming contexts rules for extending the context –Definition of the local naming conventions Well-known names conventions for new names semantics and values for the kind field
(c) Yi Deng, Overview of CORBAdomains and CORBAfacilities CORBAdomains address interoperability within a vertical domain, e.g. healthcare, manufacturing, telecom, financial services, etc. CORBAfacilities address interoperability across vertical domains by providing a set of common facilities, e.g. compound documents and system management facilities, needed by multiple domains CORBAservices focus on enabling capabilities, CORBAfacilities and CORBAdomains focus on interoperability issues
(c) Yi Deng, More Detailed View of OMA
(c) Yi Deng, Horizontal CORBAfacilities Distributed Document Component Facility (DDCF) –for transparent manipulation of compound documents in distributed environment –Based on OpenDoc specifications Common Management Facilities –based on submission from X/Open consortium –System management automates the handling of computer support services across a distributed enterprise, e.g. remote update & installation, monitoring and maintenance of security policies, etc
(c) Yi Deng, Horizontal CORBAfacilities Internationalization and Time Operations Facilities –Former supports multinational data types including output formats and conversions among formats –Latter defines similar capabilities on time objects and conversions –E.g. character classification, date/time formats, numeric formatting, monetary formatting, etc. Data Interchange Facility –Interpretation, conversion and exchange among different data formats
(c) Yi Deng, Primary Source of Information L. Bass, P. Clements and R. Kazman, “Software Architecture in Practice”, Addison- Wesley, 1998 T.J. Mowbray and W.A. Ruh, “Inside CORBA - Distributed Object Standards and Applications”, Addison-Wesley, 1997 K. Wreder and Y. Deng, “Architecture-Centered Enterprise System Development and Integration Based on Distributed Object Technology”, Proceedings of COMPSAC’99.