Introduction to PHP and MySQL Kirkwood Center for Continuing Education By Fred McClurg, © Copyright 2014, Fred McClurg, All Rights Reserved
Basic Course Itinerary Proposed Schedule urses/php/slides/schedule.basic.ppt 2
Day One (Today) Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 3: PHP Fundamentals Chapter 4: Conditionals Course Schedule (1 st Week)
Day Two (day after tomorrow) Chapter 4: Looping Chapter 5: PHP Functions Pass by Value vs. Reference Including Files
Day Two (or Three) Chapter 6: Numeric Arrays Associative Arrays Multidimensional Arrays Printing Arrays Array Functions Course Schedule (2 nd Week)
Day Three Chapter 8: MySQL Fundamentals Database CRUD MySQL Wildcards MySQL Functions Course Schedule (2 nd Week)
Day Three Chapter 9: MySQL Data Types Database Design Database Relationships Database Normalization Database Performance Database Administration Course Schedule (2 nd Week)
Day Four Chapter 10 PHP/MySQL API Chapter 11 Working with Forms Chapter 17 Comparing Strings Regular Expressions Course Schedule (2 nd Week)
Day Five Part One: Class Project Search Delete Supplemental material HTML 5 Doxygen Eclipse Course Schedule (3 rd Week)
Day Six Part Two: Class Project Create Modify Supplemental material jQuery Frameworks Bootstrap and Foundation Evaluation Course Schedule (3 rd Week)
to be continued... php/slides/chapter01.overview.ppt