2007 HONDA CIVIC EX vs.CIVIC HYBRID vs.CIVIC NGR Group #4 Organizer: Thomas Root Team Leader: Brian Van Metre Summarizer: Victor Le Techie: Annie Chea Group #4 Organizer: Thomas Root Team Leader: Brian Van Metre Summarizer: Victor Le Techie: Annie Chea
SCENARIOSSCENARIOS Everything is fixed except GAS PRICES Everything is fixed except TIMELINE Everything is fixed except the INTEREST RATE Everything is fixed except GAS PRICES Everything is fixed except TIMELINE Everything is fixed except the INTEREST RATE
2007 Honda Civic Sedan EX MSRP: $18, Honda Civic Sedan Hybrid MSRP: $22,600
$/GallonInflation Rate Unleaded Fuel $
$/GallonInflation Rate Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) $
Resale Value Assume salvage values for hybrid and NGV to be same percentage as IC engine
RESOURCESRESOURCES Honda Website Kelley Blue Book US Department of Energy Geico Edmonds Honda Website Kelley Blue Book US Department of Energy Geico Edmonds
Sensitivity Analysis Present Value EUAC - minimize equivalent uniform annual cost EUAC = P (A/P, I, n) - S (A/F, I, n) Effects on PWC and EUAC Present Value EUAC - minimize equivalent uniform annual cost EUAC = P (A/P, I, n) - S (A/F, I, n) Effects on PWC and EUAC