Company LOGO Development of Resource/Commander Agents For AgentTeamwork Grid Computing Middleware Funded By Prepared By Enoch Mak Spring 2005
What is AgentTeamwork ? 1. A grid-computing middleware system 2. Dispatch a collection of mobile agents 3. Coordinate user job in decentralized manner 4. No centralized server 5. Maintain high availability 6. Dynamic balancing of resource allocation
Mobile agents CommanderResourceSentinelBookkeeper Coordinating other agents Allocating resource Monitoring job execution Maintaining snapshots
AgentTeamwork System Overview FTP Server User A User B User B snapshot snapshots User program wrapper Snapshot Methods GridTCP User program wrapper Snapshot Methods GridTCP User program wrapper Snapshot Methods GridTCP snapshot User A’s Process User A’s Process User B’s Process TCP Communication Commander Agent Sentinel Agent Resource Agent Sentinel Agent Resource Agent Bookkeeper Agent Results
Resource Agent Tasks 1. Access to a central FTP server 2. Download new resource XML files 3. Maintains the XML files in local database 4. Query the local database with the user job requirements 5. Return a list of computing resource to Commander Agent 6. Perform periodic probing the remote computers
Implementation Time Schedule Phase 0 1.Understanding and porting previous assistant’s work onto medusa cluster 2.Reinstall the local database management system (eXist) 3.Prepare some dummy XML file Phase 1 1.Implement a general eXist database interface class (XCollection) 2.Able to create/remove collection 3.Able to retrieve/store/remove/query XML files 4.Test to download some dummy XML file from the FTP server to the local database server Phase 2 1.Instantiate the eXist database interfacing object in the resource agent 2.Completing a round-trip communication from commander agent to resource agent Phase 3 1.Adding periodic remote probing to resource agent 2.Resource agent able to update the current status of remote computing resource to local database Phase 4 1.Test the commander and resource agents with the latest version of AgentTeamwork mobile agent execution platform 2.Test a complete sequence of job execution Phase 5 1.Deploy the local database in a stand-alone mode 2.Multiple resource agent can communicate with the database at the same time
eXist Database XCollection (General Database Interface Class) Resource Agent Workflow Commander Agent FTP server Resource Agent Periodic-probing remote computing node XML files Resource agent arguments Resource Request Message XPath Query List of remote computer’s IP name Results from the remote probing XUpdate Query Periodic-probing remote computing node
Ftp Server Remote FTP Server XML file
eXist Database Server Java Virtual Machine eXist database Resource Agent XML:DB API First Application Java Virtual Machine Resource Agent Second Application TCP Port Java Virtual Machine eXist database Java Virtual Machine First Application Java Virtual Machine Second Application Java Virtual Machine Stand-alone XML:DB API
Distribution of remote computing node No. of nodes required 2 Backup multiplier S0, B1S1, B0 S0, B1S1, B0Backup S0 S1 B0 B1 Backup S0 S1 B0 B1 Agents that will be spawn Sentinel 0 Bookkeeper 0 Sentinel 1 Bookkeeper 1
Remote Probing Workflow Resource Agent Main Thread Receive Message Thread Bandwidth Test Scheduler Thread Bandwidth Test Server Process Child Resource Agent Remote Probing Results
Remote Probing Bandwidth Test Resource Agent Main Thread Receive Message Thread Bandwidth Test Server Process Child Resource Agent Remote Probing Results Bandwidth Test Scheduler Thread Test Request Message Ready Message
Conclusion Result Future Work CSS Class 1.The first version of resource agent was developed for the AgentTeamwork project 2.Commander agent was enhanced in order to cooperate with Resource agent 3.AgentTeamwork is now able to perform a complete sequence of job execution 1.Implement the bandwidth test server with Java 2.Perform bandwidth test between remote computers 3.Enhance resource agent to be resumable by bookkeeper agent CSS 343 Data Structures and Algorithms - Design resource agent Data structure CSS 475 Database Systems - Database design CSS 430 Operating Systems - Java Thread programming
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