JuIn-2006Hervé Dole, IAS - Spitzer and the CIB1 Spitzer and the Cosmic Infrared Background Hervé Dole [w/ K. Caputi, G. Lagache, J-L. Puget et al.] Institut.


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Presentation transcript:

JuIn-2006Hervé Dole, IAS - Spitzer and the CIB1 Spitzer and the Cosmic Infrared Background Hervé Dole [w/ K. Caputi, G. Lagache, J-L. Puget et al.] Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale Université Paris Sud 11, Orsay, France Guadeloupe, FWI, H. Dole, 2005

JuIn-2006Hervé Dole, IAS - Spitzer and the CIB2 Getting SEDs Le Floc’h et al., 2004 Lonsdale et al., 2004 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

JuIn-2006Hervé Dole, IAS - Spitzer and the CIB3 ~70% ~20% ~7% ? ? Cosmic Infrared Background Contribution of MIR Galaxies to the FIR background ? -What is the Nature of the Galaxies Making-up the FIR CIB ? -What is the Contribution of the MIR Galaxies to the FIR CIB ? -Use 24um Galaxies to probe the CIB Dole et al., 2006, A&A, 451, 417

JuIn-2006Hervé Dole, IAS - Spitzer and the CIB4 The Problem: Confusion & Noise ? ? ?? What to Measure at 70 and 160 when a 24  m source exists ? Example of 24  m sources: nothing can simply be detected in the FIR. z~ uJy z~1 120uJy

JuIn-2006Hervé Dole, IAS - Spitzer and the CIB5 The Solution: 24um Sources K. Gordon/ S. Willner

JuIn-2006Hervé Dole, IAS - Spitzer and the CIB6 Le Floc’h et al, 2005, ApJ 24  m Galaxies: e.g. in CDFS Caputi et al, 2006, ApJ ULIRGs LIRGs SB Total At z~1, ~70% of IR energy density comes from LIRGs ~30% of galaxies have z>1.5 + Luminosity Functions up to z~2 (Le Floc’h; Pérez-González; Caputi)

JuIn-2006Hervé Dole, IAS - Spitzer and the CIB7 24um Source Counts & CIB Papovich et al., 2004 Below 60  Jy: <30% of the 24  m Background 24  m CIB: 2.7 nW m -2 sr -1

JuIn-2006Hervé Dole, IAS - Spitzer and the CIB8 Resolving the FIR CIB K. Gordon/ S. Willner

JuIn-2006Hervé Dole, IAS - Spitzer and the CIB9 Stacking Analysis Dole et al., 2006, A&A, 451, 417 Stack ~19000 Galaxies Watch the Movie at the end of this talk

JuIn-2006Hervé Dole, IAS - Spitzer and the CIB10 Stacking Analysis -Use 24  m Sources to probe the CIB -Take Every 24  m Source in a Flux Bin -Add Signal at 24 -Add also the Signal at 70 and 160 at the Same Positions -Stop at S 24 = 60  Jy (50% completeness) Bin 1 Bin 2Bin 3Bin 4 Bin 5 Bin 6Bin 7Bin 8 Bin 9 Bin 10Bin 11Bin 12 Bin 13 Bin 14Bin 15Bin 16 Bin 17 Bin 18Bin 19Bin 20 MIPS 24 3 GTO Fields ~0.9 Sq. Deg. ~19000 sources MIPS 24  m Dole et al., 2006, A&A, 451, 417

JuIn-2006Hervé Dole, IAS - Spitzer and the CIB11 MIPS 70 MIPS 70  m S 24 bins: # flux range # added sources 20- > 0.92 mJy 267 gal mJy 83 gal mJy 108 gal mJy 141 gal mJy 191 gal mJy 245 gal mJy 298 gal mJy 396 gal mJy 512 gal mJy 679 gal mJy 820 gal mJy 1092 gal mJy 1300 gal mJy 1458 gal mJy 1653 gal mJy 1902 gal mJy 2040 gal mJy 2073 gal mJy 1972 gal mJy 1851 gal Bin 1 Bin 2Bin 3Bin 4 Bin 5 Bin 6Bin 7Bin 8 Bin 9 Bin 10Bin 11Bin 12 Bin 13 Bin 14Bin 15Bin 16 Bin 17 Bin 18Bin 19Bin 20 Dole et al., 2006, A&A, 451, 417

JuIn-2006Hervé Dole, IAS - Spitzer and the CIB12 MIPS 160 Bin 1 Bin 2Bin 3Bin 4 Bin 5 Bin 6Bin 7Bin 8 Bin 9 Bin 10Bin 11Bin 12 Bin 13 Bin 14Bin 15Bin 16 Bin 17 Bin 18Bin 19Bin 20 MIPS 160  m S 24 bins: # flux range # added sources 20- > 0.92 mJy 267 gal mJy 83 gal mJy 108 gal mJy 141 gal mJy 191 gal mJy 245 gal mJy 298 gal mJy 396 gal mJy 512 gal mJy 679 gal mJy 820 gal mJy 1092 gal mJy 1300 gal mJy 1458 gal mJy 1653 gal mJy 1902 gal mJy 2040 gal mJy 2073 gal mJy 1972 gal mJy 1851 gal Dole et al., 2006, A&A, 451, 417

JuIn-2006Hervé Dole, IAS - Spitzer and the CIB13 CIB Resolved !!! Source Counts from: -Dole et al, Frayer et al, 2005 Contributions to the CIB CIB resolved at: - - Dole et al., 2006, A&A, 451, 417

JuIn-2006Hervé Dole, IAS - Spitzer and the CIB14 Radial Profiles at 70um Dole et al., 2006, A&A, 451, 417

JuIn-2006Hervé Dole, IAS - Spitzer and the CIB15 Radial Profiles at 160um Dole et al., 2006, A&A, 451, 417

JuIn-2006Hervé Dole, IAS - Spitzer and the CIB16 Results on the CIB K. Gordon/ S. Willner

JuIn-2006Hervé Dole, IAS - Spitzer and the CIB17 EBL and CIB ? ? Stacking w/ S 24 >60uJy Dole et al., 2006, A&A, 451, 417

JuIn-2006Hervé Dole, IAS - Spitzer and the CIB18 EBL and CIB Stacking w/ S 24 >60uJy Dole et al., 2006, A&A, 451, 417

JuIn-2006Hervé Dole, IAS - Spitzer and the CIB19 Stacking w/ S 24 >0uJy Dole et al., 2006, A&A, 451, 417 H.E.S.S. + Spitzer = EBL well measured EBL and CIB

JuIn-2006Hervé Dole, IAS - Spitzer and the CIB20 Cosmic Infrared Background m Galaxies Making-up the CIB  24um galaxies [S 24 >60  Jy] contribute to ~80% of the FIR CIB qMeasured, completely model-independent qConfims Elbaz et al (2002) model-dependent result qMIR galaxies are thus good tracers of galaxies making-up the bulk of the CIB  We can also probe the CIB deeper for the S 24 <60  Jy galaxies … mNew Estimate of the FIR CIB  Using Stacking Analysis [S 24 >60  Jy]  Using unresolved bkg at 24  m [S 24 < 60  Jy] qUsing 70/24 and 160/24 observed colors CIB 24 um70 um160 um CIB nW m -2 sr / /- 1.7 CIB MJy/sr / / Dole et al., 2006, A&A, 451, 417

JuIn-2006Hervé Dole, IAS - Spitzer and the CIB21 Extragalactic Background Light COBCIB COB/CIB ~ 1.0 COB~ 20 to 35 CIB~ 24 to 27 Dole et al., 2006, A&A, 451, 417

JuIn-2006Hervé Dole, IAS - Spitzer and the CIB22 Universe’ Spectral Energy Distribution Dole et al., 2006, A&A, 451, 417 EBL [COB+CIB] ~ 5% of CMB COB ~ CIB

JuIn-2006Hervé Dole, IAS - Spitzer and the CIB23 Conclusions m Spitzer Resolves the CIB qFIR CIB now resolved up to 80%; new CIB estimates qMIR traces well the FIR (CIB peak) population m CIB vs COB vs CMB qExtragalactic Background Light SED now well constrained qBudget for Galaxy Formation & Evolution qCOB ~ CIB ~ 24/23 nW m -2 sr -1 qEBL: for 1 visible photon => 115 IR photons qEBL ~ 5% CMB m Sources of the CIB qBulk of the CIB: z ~1 to 2 qFIR SEDs of faint sources are being measured qup to z~1.5 qNext/Ongoing: Deep IRS spectroscopy + Deep Imaging Spitzer programs qStacking Analysis: very promissing

JuIn-2006Hervé Dole, IAS - Spitzer and the CIB24 Movie of the Stacking Analysis Grab it here:

JuIn-2006Hervé Dole, IAS - Spitzer and the CIB25 Brought to you also by: Guilaine LagacheJean-Loup Puget Karina CaputiNestor Fernandez-Conde Nicolas BavouzetEmeric Le Floc’h George H. RiekeEiichi Egami Casey PapovichPablo Pérez-González Almudena Alonso-Herrero + MIPS People + SSC, IRAC, IRS people + Legacy Teams (SWIRE, GOODS)