Michael Scharfenstein FAC October 30, LCLS CONSTRUCTION SAFETY Michael Scharfenstein
FAC October 30, PROJECT SAFETY EXPERIENCE 30 September 2007 Total Project Hours 1.37 M Hours worked SubContractors 285 K Hours worked 5 Lost Time Injuries 1 Recordable Injury LCLS Collaboration 1.08 M Hours worked 2 Lost Time Injuries 7 Days Without Lost Time Lost Time Rate Note: Injury rates based on 200 K hours (100 man years) of effort.
Michael Scharfenstein FAC October 30, Injury Experience
Michael Scharfenstein FAC October 30, Incident Distribution
Michael Scharfenstein FAC October 30, Safety Assessment Conclusions TCCo Safety is responsibility of Safety geeks TCCo management not accountable for safety
Michael Scharfenstein FAC October 30, Corrective Action Plan Management Safety Walks Look-Ahead Schedule Job Safety Analysis - QA
Michael Scharfenstein FAC October 30, Where Are We Now ? Apparent Turner Corporate Philosophy Safety is not a line management responsibility Safety presence on projects only to satisfy specific clients requests Reactive vs. proactive
Michael Scharfenstein FAC October 30, Conclusion Current TCCo safety performance is not acceptable LCLS providing more prescriptive direction
Michael Scharfenstein FAC October 30, Thank You