eLISA Project at Greenwich Community College Clare Treganowen Leland De Cambra John Williams
Aims of the project The project aims to evaluate the impact of specific course management and learning design tools on the development of study skills.
Our aims To re-purpose an e-learning unit on preparing a Personal Statement Use the Moodle learning platform to deliver this project Deliver the re-purposed e-learning unit to a group of students Carry out a before and after evaluation to determine the effect of the unit on students’ learning
Roles in the project Clare teaches had a group of students who were about to cover this topic – Preparing a Personal Statement Leland and John were looking for a replacement to the colleges’ VLE Clare and Leland decided to work on the project as a joint effort
Re-purposing Clare used her teaching materials and adapted it for use on the VLE We used some of the built-in tools of Moodle, i.e. journal, quiz
Ease of use The staff and students found Moodle easy to use We got excellent support from the project team when we needed it
The views of student and staff on using Moodle Click here For video
The course is now on our VLE