Progress Report on Java Based Protocol Analysis Presented by Stephen W. Mancini, 1Lt, USAF/AFIT Robert P. Graham, MAJ, USAF/AFIT Presentation date: 09 Feb 04
Objectives Understand a Java based Protocol Analysis Tool built for recognizing Authentication Tests in any Protocol
Overview Research goals Introduction into Java tool Perform demo of Java tool Summary
Research Goals Automate Guttman’s Authentication Tests Analyze numerous Protocols –Originally this was limited to a few protocols but since analysis is easy, numerous protocols are examined Search for alternative way to model penetrator activity –Still not there!
Java Based Analysis Initially developed to be used as a prototype for final Maude tool Most model checkers work in a similar fashion so try something different Why use Java language? –Input files in Java much easier to develop –Rules would be much easier to understand –Coding experience in Java reduced time necessary to develop the tool Big learning curve with Maude!
Java Based Analysis Input files in Java much easier to develop –The following shows Needham-Schroeder input file for Java tool: A -> B : {*Na1 A}Kb B -> A : {Na1 *Nb1}Ka A -> B : {Nb1}Kb * Marks the first time a nonce is generated
Java Based Analysis The parser breaks down each message into instances of that particular class –For example: A -> B : A B {A *Na1}Kb Protocol From: A To: B Message: A B {A *Na1}Kb Encryption: {A *Na1}KbText: BText: A Key: KbTerm: {A *Na1} Text: *Na1Text: A
Java Based Analysis The tool instantiates individual classes where sender and receiver roles are expressed –This instance will contain all relevant information pertaining to that principal For example: Components they send, nonce’s they generate, nonce’s they’ve seen and other properties particular for each participant in the run of the protocol The tool also keeps track of all messages sent in order to allow principals to check for duplication/spoofs or other errors regarding any message sent
Java Based Analysis Order of operations: 1.Run through protocol and grab all messages 1.Check for duplicates and store in vectors 2.Check for malformed messages (give errors) 2.Create instance for each Principal 3.Restart evaluation of protocol with above gained knowledge 4.Analyze each message 1.Populate sender/receiver with relevant information from the current message being evaluated 2.Depending on sender/receiver check for presence of authentication test in a particular message 3.Repeat 1 and 2
NS Output using Java Tool Parsing from file 'NSPublic.txt' File Contents: A -> B : {*Na1 A}Kb B -> A : {Na1 *Nb1}Ka A -> B : {Nb1}Kb : >> A -> B : {*Na1 A}Kb Encrypted term(s) with key Kb is readable by recipient only. Sender may be attempting to initiate an outgoing test by transmitting Na1 in encrypted form. Unsolicited test for B because of nonce Na1 within test component : >> B -> A : {Na1 *Nb1}Ka Encrypted term(s) with key Ka is readable by recipient only. The encrypted/fresh nonce Na1 has been received back in component: {Na1 Nb1}Ka Outgoing/Incoming test for A because fresh term Na1 was sent out earlier in Pseudo-unsolicited test for A because Nb1 is a newly received fresh nonce, but A has sent items to B previously Sender may be attempting to initiate an outgoing test by transmitting Nb1 in encrypted form. : >> A -> B : {Nb1}Kb Encrypted term(s) with key Kb is readable by recipient only. The encrypted/fresh nonce Nb1 has been received back in component: {Nb1}Kb Outgoing/Incoming test for B because fresh term Nb1 was sent out earlier in < {Na1 Nb1}Ka
Live Demo of Java Based Protocol Analyzer
Summary Introduction into Java tool Performed demo of Java tool on several protocols Summary
Bibliography 1.Cervesato, Iliano and others. A Comparison between Strand Spaces and Multiset Rewriting for Security Protocol Analysis. July Guttman, Joshua and F. J. Thayer Fabrega. Authentication Tests. March Song, Dawn. Athena: A New Efficient Automatic Checker for Security Protocol Analysis. June Clavel, Manuel and others. Maude 2.0 Manual: version 1. June