Costas Busch - RPI1 CSCI-2400 Models of Computation.


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Presentation transcript:

Costas Busch - RPI1 CSCI-2400 Models of Computation

Costas Busch - RPI2 Computation CPU memory

Costas Busch - RPI3 CPU input memory output memory Program memory temporary memory

Costas Busch - RPI4 CPU input memory output memory Program memory temporary memory compute Example:

Costas Busch - RPI5 CPU input memory output memory Program memory temporary memory compute

Costas Busch - RPI6 CPU input memory output memory Program memory temporary memory compute

Costas Busch - RPI7 CPU input memory output memory Program memory temporary memory compute

Costas Busch - RPI8 Automaton CPU input memory output memory Program memory temporary memory Automaton

Costas Busch - RPI9 Different Kinds of Automata Automata are distinguished by the temporary memory Finite Automata: no temporary memory Pushdown Automata: stack Turing Machines: random access memory

Costas Busch - RPI10 input memory output memory temporary memory Finite Automaton Finite Automaton Example: Vending Machines (small computing power)

Costas Busch - RPI11 input memory output memory Stack Pushdown Automaton Pushdown Automaton Example: Compilers for Programming Languages (medium computing power) Push, Pop

Costas Busch - RPI12 input memory output memory Random Access Memory Turing Machine Turing Machine Examples: Any Algorithm (highest computing power)

Costas Busch - RPI13 Finite Automata Pushdown Automata Turing Machine Power of Automata Less powerMore power Solve more computational problems