30-Jun-15 Generics
Arrays and collections In Java, array elements must all be of the same type: int[] counts = new int[10]; String[] names = { "Tom", "Dick", "Harry" }; Hence, arrays are type safe: The compiler will not let you put the wrong kind of thing into an array A collection, such as a Vector or ArrayList, cannot hold primitives, but will accept any type of Object : Stack someStuff = new Stack(); someStuff.push("A String is an Object"); someStuff.push(Color.BLUE); We can make an array that, like a collection, holds any Objects: Object[ ] whatever = new Object[100]; Prior to Java 5, there was no easy way to make a collection type safe
Making a collection type safe Here’s how to create a type-safe Stack that holds only Strings (in Java 1.4 and earlier): class StackOfStrings { private Stack internalStack = new Stack(); public boolean isEmpty() { return internalStack.isEmpty(); } public String push(String s) { internalStack.push(s); return s; } public String pop() { return (String)internalStack.pop(); } etc.
Generics for type safety in Java 5 In Java 5, you can easily make any collection type safe For example, you can create a Stack that holds only Strings as follows: Stack names = new Stack (); You can write methods that require a type-safe collection as follows: void printNames(Stack names) { String nextName = names.pop(); // no casting needed! names.push("Hello"); // works just the same as before names.push(Color.RED); // compile-time error!
What generics are and aren’t You can almost think of generics as defining new types--for example a Stack is a stack of strings In Java 1.4, String s = myStack.pop(); will not compile String s = (String)myStack.pop(); compiles, with runtime check myStack.push(Color.RED); compiles with no complaint In Java 5, String s = myStack.pop(); Compiles with no runtime check if myStack was declared as Stack Does not compile if myStack was declared any other way myStack.push(Color.RED); is a compiler error (= syntax error) However, generics are instructions to the compiler only You can still say: if (thing instanceof Stack)... but you cannot say: if (thing instanceof Stack )... This is called erasure--the type information is “erased” at runtime
Generics in CIT594 Generics are important in studying data structures because: We make heavy use of Sun’s collections, all of which have been genericized, so we need to know how to use them However, non-genericized collections continue to work Genericized collections include: LinkedList, ArrayList, Vector, HashSet, TreeSet, Stack, HashMap, TreeMap, PriorityQueue, and others When we create new data structures, In Java 5, it is almost always a good idea to genericize them However, Java 5 programs will only work for users who have upgraded their Java systems--so we may wish to compile for older versions Generics are not important in data structures because: Generics are only a convenient way to get type safety The data structures themselves have not changed in any way
Using an existing collection Creation: Stack plainStack = new Stack(); // the old way Stack s1 = new Stack (); // s1 is still just a plain stack Stack integerStack = new Stack (); // correct Stack s2 = new Stack(); // works with a warning Assignments: plainStack = integerStack; // no problem with this integerStack = plainStack; // works but is not type safe Use of integerStack : integerStack.push(new Integer(5)); Integer xxx = integerStack.pop(); // no cast necessary integerStack.push(5); // works, because of autoboxing int x =integerStack.pop(); // works, because of auto unboxing
Methods with generics private static void fiddle(Stack ints) { ints.push(5); } fiddle(integerStack); // good call fiddle(plainStack); // legal but not type safe fiddle(new Stack ()); // not legal static Stack myMethod(Stack stk) { Stack result = new Stack (); return result; } Stack newStack = myMethod(integerStack); // good call Stack newStack1 = myMethod(plainStack); // not safe
Bad news Type safe? Only sort of... Stack stack1 = new Stack (); Stack stack2 = stack1; // stack2 is alias of stack1 stack2.push(Color.RED);// legal--stack2 is a plain stack Integer xxx = stack1.pop(); // ClassCastException! A little more explanation... Java 5 is upwardly compatible with Java 1.4--that is, old programs must continue to work Hence you can have non-generic stacks (and stack assignment) When you use a generic collection, you should make it generic everywhere, not just in the places that Java would otherwise report an error Eclipse will provide warnings for many unsafe cases, so pay close attention to those warnings!
Writing your own generic classes public class MyClass { T value; // in this class, use T just like any other type public MyClass(T value) this.value = value; } public void print(T anotherValue) { System.out.println(value + " " + anotherValue); } }}
Iterators An iterator gives you every element of a collection, one at a time The collection has a type iterator(); factory method to return a new iterator to return objects of the given type The method boolean hasNext() tells you if there are more objects The method type next() returns the next object The method void remove() deletes the last object gotten Example: Iterator iter = integerStack.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { System.out.println(iter.next()); }
The “enhanced for loop” Java 5’s new for loop does the iterator work for you for (int n : integerStack) { System.out.println(n); } is the same (except for the int declaration) as Iterator iter = integerStack.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { System.out.println(iter.next()); } The enhanced for loop can also be used for arrays, and for any class you write that implements the Iterator interface The enhanced for loop is convenient but less powerful than the old-style for loop, since it just goes through every element in a forward direction only
Subclassing a generic class import java.awt.Color; public class Subclass extends MyClass { // You almost always need to supply a constructor public Subclass(Color color) { super(color); } public static void main(String[ ] args) { Subclass sc = new Subclass(Color.GREEN); sc.print(Color.WHITE); } }}
Summary It looks as if generics save you from having to do casting, at the expense of more work in the declarations The real benefit is that they replace run-time checks (and run-time errors) with compile-time checks (and syntax errors) This makes your program both more reliable and easier to debug
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