G4NAMU GEANT4 North America Medical Users Organization (G4NAMU) GEANT4 in external beam therapy Harald Paganetti.


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Presentation transcript:

G4NAMU GEANT4 North America Medical Users Organization (G4NAMU) GEANT4 in external beam therapy Harald Paganetti

G4NAMU TOPIC I: Beamline design and quality assurance

G4NAMU TOPIC II: Magnetic fields

G4NAMU TOPIC III: Absolute dosimetry Volume for absolute dosimetry

G4NAMU TOPIC IV: Patient dose calculation FOCUS Monte Carlo

G4NAMU TOPIC V: Time dependent simulations Solid lines:Patient in inhale Dashed lines:Considering the entire breathing phase

G4NAMU TOPIC VI: Radiation Protection

G4NAMU TOPIC VII: Radiation Risk © X. George Xu, RPI

G4NAMU TOPIC VIII: Detector Simulation

G4NAMU GEANT4 users in external beam radiation therapy in North America: Issues: Correct and reliable physics lists Physics wish list for upcoming new G4 versions Tracking wish list for upcoming new G4 versions CT-formats (DICOM etc) Accuracy as a function of level of detail Benchmarking data set (exp, theo) G4NAMU and other Monte Carlo groups Teaching course

G4NAMU Correct and reliable physics lists Protons: send to

Possible problem in the elastic multiple scattering algorithm © Joao Seco Royal Marsden, London, UK

Issues related to dose calculations on CT data Memory consumption for storing CT data Conversion of CT Hounsfield units G4NAMU


Neutron energy distributions for 150 MeV protons incident on a 1cm water slab © Wang and Paganetti RPI, New York; MGH, Boston

G4NAMU Role of G4NAMU with respect to other groups : Computational Medical Physics Working Group (CMPWG) American Nuclear Society (ANS) Mathematics and Computations (M&C) Biology and Medicine (BMD) Radiation Protection and Shielding (RPSD)  Bernadette Kirk AAPM Task Group 105: “Monte Carlo in Clinical Treatment Planning“  Bruce Curran and Indrin Chetty