Environmental Science The application of all fields of science to solve environmental problems Environmental Principles Resources and Resource Use Environmental Pollution Social Aspects of Environmental Science The systematic, scientific study of our environment as well as our role in it.
Environmental Principles The environment consists of 4 spheres: Lithosphere Atmosphere Hydrosphere Biosphere Each sphere interacts with the others Humans have altered some of these interactions
Environmental Principles? Environmental Impact = Population x Affluence x Technology Use of ‘the commons’ Things change!! Some examples:
Resources & Resource Use Renewable Resources vs. Nonrenewable resources can be regenerated within a few human generations vs. can not be regenerated within a few human generations What are ways we can prevent depletion of resources? How does sustainability relate to these definitions?
Resources & Resource Use Reduce Improve efficiency, Substitutions Reuse Recycle Remove Remediate Restore Society Resources Sinks (Waste) Input reduction Output management
Environmental Pollution Pollution: excess outputs by society into the environment that adversely affects living organisms or alters the environment in undesirable ways. Typical methods for dealing with pollution are: Can you suggest a better way? Removal Restoration Remediation Input reduction: efficiency improvements, substitution, recycle/reuse
Social Aspects of Environmental Science What are social issues that affect our environment? Does human population affect these? Human population: Would your answer change if: Stable? Growing? Declining?
Social Aspects of Environmental Science What are some social solutions for environmental management? Economic…… Legal………… Education…… Ethics/ Persuasion.. incentives, green taxes laws, regulations, eliminate subsidies media, environmental science Different perspectives
Difficulty in Environmental Decision Making increases as problems and cost/benefit issues become more complex
Second Exam Tomorrow: March 11 This room at 1:30 – 2:20 1 essay question (you choose between 2) Same format as the 1 st exam 45 multiple choice,T/F, matching Bring a #2 pencil and eraser, student number