Mission Expectations As Planned: –Full end-to-end test of Akoya-Bandit imaging and dedicated comm subsystems –Take, store, and transmit images over 900MHz and 2.4GHz links As Executed (Due to package changes) –Input images from cameras to FCB and downlink via Microhard –Observe satisfactory thermal/vacuum performance of components
Summary of Package Changes Elimination of Atmel as processor –Bootloader corruption –Resulted in loss of temp sensors and heaters Atmel used as 5V power regulator –Powered 8 LEDs Bypass of 900MHz video TX/RX –12V power connection used to power Atmel/LEDs Simplification of power board –Malfunction of 5V line Possibly resulted in loss of 3.3V line, thus accelerometer and digital memory Removal of onboard data storage –Incompatible power requirements
Results One confirmed and one suspected contact –No telemetry data or pictures received Link budget Ground ops difficulties Possible component failure –Cold: unlikely, had been running hot –Batteries: popped out before whip? Excellent structural performance –No damage, excepting one dent in corner –Batteries loose, all other components restrained Image data recorded post-mission verifies system functionality.
Lessons Learned Microhard radio and Atmel bootloader corruption Linear regulators MUST NOT be installed in parallel Establishing link more difficult than expected Must have documentation and circuit diagrams available to aid team communication
Conclusions Some programs, components, and procedures are not mature –Power board redesign –New Atmel programming procedure –Improve component and procedure documentation Ground testing was incomplete for the complexity of the mission –Link budget verification –Full-up system tests after modifications –Software verification COTS equipment and basic design are functional –Proceed with satellite development
Winners of the 2006 Butt-Saving Award for Outstanding Contributions to Wash U’s SHOT II Payload