Nothing About Us Without Us w w w. e d f - f e p h. o r g Digital TV: The User’s Perspective Mark Magennis.


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Presentation transcript:

Nothing About Us Without Us w w w. e d f - f e p h. o r g Digital TV: The User’s Perspective Mark Magennis

Nothing About Us Without Us w w w. e d f - f e p h. o r g European Disability Forum An organisation of persons with disabilities 65 million persons with disabilities in Europe Persons with physical, sensory or cognitive impairments and mental health conditions An umbrella organisation of European disability organisations Our mission Guarantee the fundamental rights and active participation of persons with disabilities Our main areas of work Non discrimination Social affairs: education, employment Accessibility of transport, goods, including ICT, services

Nothing About Us Without Us w w w. e d f - f e p h. o r g Social Inclusion & Television “Access to television is a fundamental right. Television is vital in defining the cultural landscape of modern societies and provides a primary source of information, education and entertainment. The audiovisual sector is ‘... of fundamental importance for democracy, freedom of expression and cultural pluralism …’.” - European Parliament, Resolution on the third Commission report on the application of the Television Without Frontiers directive, 04/10/2001, COM (2001) 9.

Nothing About Us Without Us w w w. e d f - f e p h. o r g Policy Drivers UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Article 9 accessibility of ICT technologies and system Article 30 enjoy equal access to TV programmes Audiovisual Media Services Directive Article 3c: accessibility of audiovisual media services accessible to persons with visual and/or hearing disabilities Telecoms package - Better Regulation Directive Article 18c of the Access Directive: cooperation between broadcaster and manufacturers to provide interoperable digital TV services for disabled users

Nothing About Us Without Us w w w. e d f - f e p h. o r g Accesssible Content For full understanding and enjoyment Need access services Quality is very important Production quality - what is described Delivery quality - what the viewer receives Quality standards need to be developed Monitoring and regulation Compliance should be measured at the point of delivery - the home Regulation of broadcasters AND network operators is needed

Nothing About Us Without Us w w w. e d f - f e p h. o r g Independent Access Needed People with disabilities want to live independently Independent Access = Accessible Equipment Access to basic receiver functions without assistance Programme information, programme guide (EPG), recording/playback, parental controls Clear menus, adjustable text, text-to-speech, easy remote controls TV viewing is also a social activity Need to switch access services & listen independently

Nothing About Us Without Us w w w. e d f - f e p h. o r g Making the Switch Possible No more analogue public service television Viewers have no choice but to switch What do people need to make the switch? Information - in accessible formats Set-up assistance may be needed Financial assistance may be needed The UK example Digital Switchover Help Scheme - very successful 350,000 assisted installations, 150,000 helpline calls Lower than expected cost!

Nothing About Us Without Us w w w. e d f - f e p h. o r g Making the Switch Possible “For digital television to succeed as a replacement for the analogue services it needs to be accessible to all. It must be simple to set up and user friendly... And the receiver equipment must be affordable and easy to obtain.” - Eamon Ryan, Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Ireland.

Nothing About Us Without Us w w w. e d f - f e p h. o r g Where Are We Now? Low level of inclusive products and services Access services 49% subtitling of national language programmes by main public broadcaster (MeAC 2010 results) Quality issues mean not all of this is available to viewers Little or no audio description and sign language Accessible digital receivers How many are available worldwide?

Nothing About Us Without Us w w w. e d f - f e p h. o r g Where Are We Now? This many: … but it only works in the UK

Nothing About Us Without Us w w w. e d f - f e p h. o r g Everyone Has a Role to Play Everyone has a role to play Manufacturers:Design and deliver Broadcasters and Networks: Access services, Equipment Specifications User organisations:Describe user requirements Governments and the EU: Regulate, encourage support, Lead by example (e.g. access services in webcasts) All:Work together

Nothing About Us Without Us w w w. e d f - f e p h. o r g End of Presentation Questions? Mark Magennis