Two Types of Declarative Learning Early Learning No prior knowledge available. Must construct representation of some part of the world from perceptual input. Infants are necessarily early learners. Mature (or Semantic) Learning Elaboration of prior knowledge, i.e., elaboration of semantic network.
Method Without operant contingency there is no learning Long-Term Retention Test = Baseline Baseline Ratio Long-term Retention Test = Retention Immediate Ratio Retention Test Reinforcement No Reinforcement
Retention interval is a function of age For children 6-months and up pressing a button makes a train move
Retention Interval Retention interval is a function of: training session duration number of training sessions interval lengths between sessions Hence retention interval is a function of the number of repetitions and the intervals between repetitions
Distributed learning is superior to massed learning 3-month olds recognition test 8 days after day 0 Days of training sessions
Forgetting: Initially infant kicks only to training mobile. At the end of the retention interval the infant also kicks to novel mobile
Changing either the mobile (cue) or liner (context) eliminates recognition
Conclusions Operant learning is the result of feedback from a voluntary action. Distributed repetition is superior to massed repetition for learning Early visual memory is detailed and specific.
Causal Behaviors of Infant Learning Action Imitation Social Interaction After 6 months the infant can follow pointing gestures. By 10 months the infant points. Interest-Novelty Observation Emotional events Interesting events At six months an infant can imitate a puppet observed at 3 months.
Causal Behaviors of Infant Learning Action Imitation Social Interaction Interest-Novelty Observation Emotional events Interesting events By 6 months, an infant can learn through observation that a glove on a puppet may contain a hidden bell.