Non-Destructive Evaluation Ultrasound Testing Team: David Drozd Sean Broderick Rick Eckert Joseph Oagaro Consultant: Michael Ciocco Project Manager: Shreekanth Mandayam
Introduction Ultrasound Applications Customers Needs NDE of metals and composites Airplanes, Tanks, Sewer & Gas Pipelines Customers Needs Internal Customer: Shreekanth Mandayam Effective Composite Scanning to find defect geometry, depth, and location External Customer Future Marketing to airplane and pipeline manufacturers Previous Work Done Ultrasound Testing of Concrete
Objectives Learn fundamentals in ultrasound testing and ultrasound equipment Image metal plates with known defects and build ultrasound C-scan database Scan Kevlar composites to find evidence of disbonding and delaminations Use Matlab for image processing to estimate defect geometry
Ultrasonic Inspection Project Outline Ultrasound Basic Metal C-Scans Kevlar Composites Image Processing Project Timescale
Immersion Ultrasound Test Station Ultrasound transducers Test specimen Immersion tank Linear actuators for scanning Scanner controller & stepper motors PC for data acquisition & processing
Ultrasound Scanning Basics Thru Transmission vs. Pulse Echo A-Scan and C-Scan TOF and Amplitude
A-Scan and Gate Settings Detection Threshold: 40%, Gate Width: 14.46 us, Gate Start: 52.40us, Gain: 39db
Ultrasonic Inspection Project Outline Ultrasound Basic Metal C-Scans Kevlar Composites Image Processing Project Timescale
Ultrasound Imaging of Coins
C-Scans of 5/16” Metal Plates 5/16” thick metal plate with 3mm defect 5/16” thick metal plate with 7.5 mm defect
C-Scans of ½” Metal Plates ½” thick metal plate with 3 mm defect ½” thick metal plate with 6 mm defect ½” thick metal plate with 7.5 mm defect
C-Scans of triangle and circle defects 3/8” thick plate with 3/16” circle defect 3/8” thick plate with 3/16” triangle defect
Ultrasonic Inspection Project Outline Ultrasound Basic Metal C-Scans Kevlar Composites Image Processing Project Timescale
Kevlar Kevlar Composites Company located in Canada There are 2 types of Kevlar: Pretreated Kevlar Non-Pretreated Kevlar Delamination
Kevlar First Scans of Kevlar Each scan 1’x1’ Starting from The right corner Non-Pretreated Kevlar
Kevlar Non-Pretreated Kevlar
Kevlar Pretreated Kevlar
Ultrasonic Inspection Project Outline Ultrasound Basic Metal C-Scans Kevlar Composites Image Processing Project Timescale
Image Processing Objective Approach: Determine Geometry of Defects From Experimental C-Scan Images Use Fourier Descriptors to apply to arbitrary defect geometries Approach: Use basic image processing techniques to estimate image shape and size
Image Processing Approach Metal Specimen C-Scan This is what the C-Scan image looks like when it is scanned into Matlab and converted to Grayscale. This image does not Provide enough information for us to model the rectangular defect mathematically, so we will dive further into other Image processing techniques Adjusted Image
Experimental Data Image Defect Geometry: Actual Experimental Metal Specimen Original C-Scan Image Defect Geometry: Actual Experimental Length = 1 in. Length = 0.85 in. Width = 0.5 in. Width = 0.43 in. First, we will adjust the image based on its particular histogram. Then, we can perform a dilation technique which will move towards An erosion technique. Then by performing a Raster Scan, we can determine both the length and the width of the defect. Histogram Balancing Image Smoothing
Image Processing Techniques Random Defect Geometries Determine Fourier Descriptors of perimeter of any arbitrary shape Insensitive to: Translation Rotation Scale Changes How to model? Develop basic shape images and process Circle, Rectangle, Triangle, Ellipse, etc.
Project Timescale
Future Planning Continue Scanning Model Random Defect Geometries Build Database Metal, Kevlar, Coins, etc. Model Random Defect Geometries Continue Processing Research Research Paper / Competition
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