Automation the Key to Success Cristian Craciun, Instructor and Lab Engineer of Engineering Laboratories and Paul P. Botosani, Ph.D., Professor and Director of Engineering Laboratories Fairfield University Fairfield, Connecticut
Competition Laws Time is Money Faster - Better - Cheaper Efficiency - Quality - Cost
Emerging Technologies Microelectronics Telecommunication Embedded System Web Nano Technology Mecatronics
Emerging Technologies Smaller Smarter Sophisticated
Need for Automation Improving the customer services Ensuring the survival of the Company
Automation Software Automation Home Automation Automation in Industry
Software Automation Automation is a COM (Component Object Model) -based technology that enables dynamic binding to COM objects at run time. Automation was previously called OLE Automation and ActiveX Automation.
Home Automation Home automation is a field within building Automation specializing in the specific automation requirements of private homes and in the application of automation techniques for the comfort and security of its residents. As a very basic definition, we tend to refer to home automation as anything that gives you remote or automatic control of things around the home.
Home Automation Audio HVAC Intercoms Lighting Security Video
Home Automation Companies Home Autom.ation Inc AMX Corporation Crestron Electronics Lutrox Etc.
Levels of Automation There are five levels of Automation in a production plant Device level, the lowest level it includes the actuators, sensors, and other lower devices. Machine level, the hardware from device level is assembled into individual machines. Cell or system level, a group of machines or workstations connected and supported by a material handling system, computer, and other equipments needed for a manufacturing process.
Levels of Automation There are five levels of Automation in a production plant 4. Plant level, it receives instructions from the corporate information system and translate them into operation plan for production. 5. Enterprise level, the highest level it is concerned with all functions necessary to manage the company: marketing and sales, accounting, design, research, aggregate planning, and master production scheduling.
Factory Automation Example of an Automated Warehouse Management and Control System
Testing Automation Software Hardware LabView Visual Basic Instrumentation PICO Digital Multimeter Sensors
Education Final Product
Conclusion Without Automation the Companies can not succeed in the global economy. Society, governments, education, and economy need automation to compete in global economy.