THERE’S MORE TO YOU. THERE’S MORE TO MCC. MCC Professional Development Needs: Survey of Support Staff Mary Ann M. Ward, Ph.D. Specialist, Institutional Research Monroe Community College Rochester, New York
THERE’S MORE TO YOU. THERE’S MORE TO MCC. MCC Purposes To identify professional development activities for the upcoming academic year To develop a long-range professional development plan based on a comprehensive needs assessment
THERE’S MORE TO YOU. THERE’S MORE TO MCC. MCC Survey # ed to support staff: 210 # completed & returned: 80 Response rate: 38.1%
THERE’S MORE TO YOU. THERE’S MORE TO MCC. MCC Demographics Length of Employment
THERE’S MORE TO YOU. THERE’S MORE TO MCC. MCC Demographics Job Location (Campus)
THERE’S MORE TO YOU. THERE’S MORE TO MCC. MCC Career Development 1. I feel well-informed about professional development opportunities at MCC. 2. My work schedule hinders participation in professional development workshops. 3. I would like opportunities to advance professionally in job skills. 4. I am satisfied with my current position level.
THERE’S MORE TO YOU. THERE’S MORE TO MCC. MCC Career Development Ave. Agree Disagree 1. I feel well-informed about professional development opportunities at MCC % 6.3% 2. My work schedule hinders participation in professional development workshops % 23.1% 3. I would like opportunities to advance professionally in job skills % 2.6% 4. I am satisfied with my current position level % 26.3%
THERE’S MORE TO YOU. THERE’S MORE TO MCC. MCC Professional Development Q: How many programs per year would you be interested in? A: Minimum: 1 (6.1%, N=4) Maximum: 12 (1.5%, N=1) Most common response: 4 (22.7%, N=15) Differences between divisions
THERE’S MORE TO YOU. THERE’S MORE TO MCC. MCC Obstacles Q: What obstacles are there to your participation in professional development presentations?
THERE’S MORE TO YOU. THERE’S MORE TO MCC. MCC Obstacles (cont’d) No office coverage56.3% Too busy55.0% Inconvenient times45.0% No interest in topic25.0% No support/encouragement11.3% None6.3% Transportation5.0% Parking3.8% Other2.5% Travel1.3% No info re: availability1.3% A:
THERE’S MORE TO YOU. THERE’S MORE TO MCC. MCC Obstacles (cont’d) Other Responses: “Banner implementation prevents me from attending any session that is more than 1 hour in duration.” “Campus location - I am located at Damon late morning. Hard, transportation issues.” “Funding.” “Part-time status.” “Work 2 jobs.”
THERE’S MORE TO YOU. THERE’S MORE TO MCC. MCC Professional Development Events What Are the Most Convenient Days?
THERE’S MORE TO YOU. THERE’S MORE TO MCC. MCC Professional Development Events What Are the Most Convenient Months?
THERE’S MORE TO YOU. THERE’S MORE TO MCC. MCC Professional Development Events What Are the Most Convenient Times?
THERE’S MORE TO YOU. THERE’S MORE TO MCC. MCC Professional Development Events: What’s the Most Interesting Format? TopicAve. Hands-on workshop2.68 Demonstration2.53 Field trip2.10 Community service programs2.10 Keynote address then break-out sessions2.06 Computer-based training (CBT)2.06 Discussion or group dialogue2.01 Lecture1.96 Other1.82 Web seminar1.73 Teleconference/video1.63
THERE’S MORE TO YOU. THERE’S MORE TO MCC. MCC Professional Development Events: What Topics Would Be the Most Interesting? TopicAve. Methods for keeping current in your field2.51 Improving communication skills2.49 Seven Habits of Highly Effective People2.47 Tapping into your creativity2.42 Organizational skills2.41 Personal and professional ethics2.37 Managing change2.30 Time management2.26 Proofreading and grammar do’s and don’ts2.25 (cont’d next slide)
THERE’S MORE TO YOU. THERE’S MORE TO MCC. MCC Professional Development Events: What Topics Would Be the Most Interesting? (cont’d) TopicAve. Staff motivation strategies2.25 Team building2.24 Conflict management/avoidance/resolution2.13 Multiculturalism/Diversity/Intercultural communication2.08 Customer service2.05 Developing support networks2.01 Preparing an effective resume1.99 Mentoring new employees1.97 Civil service test preparation1.91 Being an effective committee member1.87
THERE’S MORE TO YOU. THERE’S MORE TO MCC. MCC Personal Development: What Topics Would Be the Most Interesting? TopicAve. Fin. planning for early retirement/Early retirement options2.42 Developing and achieving personal goals2.34 Transforming attitudes2.29 Assertiveness training2.23 Preventing job burnout2.15 Dressing for success/Your colors evaluation2.14 Understanding non-verbal communication2.13 Increasing self-esteem2.05 (cont’d next slide)
THERE’S MORE TO YOU. THERE’S MORE TO MCC. MCC Personal Development: What Topics Would Be the Most Interesting? (cont’d) TopicAve. Career planning and goal setting1.96 Aging parents/Eldercare/Choosing a caregiver1.91 Book club/discussion1.86 Balancing work and family1.79 How to start an investment club1.53
THERE’S MORE TO YOU. THERE’S MORE TO MCC. MCC Wellness: What Topics Would Be the Most Interesting? TopicAve. Health fair2.50 Emergency first aid/CPR2.40 Stress management2.39 Health awareness, nutrition, and fitness2.37 Heart disease2.18 Healing power of massage2.18 Menopause1.92 Diabetes education1.90 HIV/AIDS/Hepatitis/Blood-borne pathogens1.78 Other1.40
THERE’S MORE TO YOU. THERE’S MORE TO MCC. MCC Other Topics “ American sign language, communicating with our deaf students and faculty.” “Improving self presentation, getting others to have confidence in your abilities and give you opportunities to use skills and progress in your field.” “Banner, even though I know that we will be trained eventually.” “ etiquette.” “Herbs for health - being well the natural way.” (cont’d next slide)
THERE’S MORE TO YOU. THERE’S MORE TO MCC. MCC Other Topics (cont’d) “I would be interested in attending an event which is directly related to my field.” “Tips [e.g.,] minute taking at meetings.” “Understanding and working with ‘X’ and ‘Y’ generations. Presentation by Mr. Flynn. What's happening on campus.” “Work-related stress.” “Working as a team in your own department. (Some offices may find it helpful.)”
THERE’S MORE TO YOU. THERE’S MORE TO MCC. MCC Conclusions & Recommendations Catch-22 In general, support staff want to advance in job skills & keep current in their field and they are well-informed about professional development opportunities, but …
THERE’S MORE TO YOU. THERE’S MORE TO MCC. MCC Conclusions & Recommendations (cont’d) It is difficult to attend professional development events because there would be a lack of office coverage in their absence and they are too busy.
THERE’S MORE TO YOU. THERE’S MORE TO MCC. MCC Conclusions & Recommendations (cont’d) Best solution could be to set up professional development events that support staff could do from the office at their convenience but…
THERE’S MORE TO YOU. THERE’S MORE TO MCC. MCC Conclusions & Recommendations (cont’d) Computer-based training, web seminars, & teleconferences were not rated highly. Need a dialogue among support staff
THERE’S MORE TO YOU. THERE’S MORE TO MCC. MCC Outcomes Used the data to plan: Days & times of events Types of programs
THERE’S MORE TO YOU. THERE’S MORE TO MCC. MCC Events Included… “What Did You Say?” – workshop on communication skills, especially listening skills “Choices: The Question Behind the Question” – a walk through the book Question Behind the Question, which deals with being in control of your career through personal accountability and decisions that lead to personal freedom Cooking Light Demo – demonstration of several quick & light recipes Community Service Project – collecting donations for the Rochester Animal Services Agency