Courage to participate in transformation of the leader Deeply ingrained behaviors take more than a request to change. Must admit to ourselves how serious a situation actually is. Have to examine our own collusion with the leader’s behavior, what we do that allows it to continue. Transformation is an inexact activity and can easily fail. The leader may be surrounded with advisors who have a strong vested interest in the leader not changing the status quo that is lining their pockets. They may attack the follower who is championing change.
When transformation is possible –Acknowledge the need for change –Accept responsibility for the current state –Envision a better end state –Understand how to get from the current state to the future state The process of personal transformation –Self-organizing processes: core personality – we are who we are; patterns of behavior. –Discomfort, threat, and crisis –Resistance: a normal reaction, self-protecting reaction –Developing understanding of the process –Willingness to experiment –Integration
Follower’s role –See list on page 129 –Paradox of transformation – often must change ourselves: our role in the relationship is the only one we have full power to change Follower as catalyst –Conveying the intensity of our concern about the leader’s behavior is the single most important act courageous followers can take as a catalyst for change.
Channeling the leader’s frustration –Paraphrase, emphasize –Systems perspective – great leadership and great followership part of same system Denial and justification of behavior –Greatest barrier –Hubris: you can’t learn anything if you already know everything Dedication to a cause as justification –Leader’s loss of self identity –Culture of personality vs. culture of purpose
Reactions to confrontation –Confusion and discomfort –Must be willing to make the leader uncomfortable when we challenge behavior Identifying transformation resources –Support from others or professional guidance Using an outside facilitator Creating a supportive environment –Must forgive who someone once was (and what they did to us), out of respect for who they are trying to become
Modeling change for a leader –showing vulnerability; shared vulnerability Modeling empathy Containing abusive behavior Positive reinforcement Coping with recurring behavior Realistic expectations Persistence: common purpose, welfare of the leader, the organization, and those the organization serves should be focus. Validation