Composite Filament Winding Machine P09226 System Design Review Christofer Brayton Shijo George Alex Sandy Tiago Santos Daniel Weimann
Background Why composite tubing? High Strength Light Weight High creep and fatigue performance Chemical and corrosion resistance
Filament Winding The process by which a continuous strand of impregnated fibers is wound onto a mandrel with specific fibers’ orientation which is controlled by computer. Once resin has cured, mandrel is removed
RIT First Generation Filament Winding Machine Capabilities Produce tubes of limited dimensions Simple to operate Maintain tension every time Limited range of orientation angles Able to be expanded upon Primary Goals Learning Experience – New technology to RIT and students involved – Create simple but bulletproof machine
Relative Speeds
Motors Stepper o Lower RPM range o Cheaper o Simple o Count steps to proper length o DC Servo Two motors will drive the mandrel and feed eye individually. This will allow for variability in degree selection and higher ability to control position. o “Built in” sensors o Easier to control if DC o Look into o Retrofit kits o CNC upgrade kits
Controllers PLC o Programmable Logic Board o Simple o Basic Inputs/Outputs o i.e., for Stepper o Counts # of pulses Microcontroller To control position and speed of mandrel and feed eye relative to one another through motor control. o More dynamic o RIT availability o EE Microcontroller class o CAST, bldg. 82 o Software?