2008 Impacts of Michigan’s Small Business and Technology Development Centers May 7, 2009
Industry Make-up of Employment Michigan, March 2009
Employment Growth (Or Not)
March 2009 Unemployment RatesMarch 2008 Unemployment Rates Unemployment Rates By County State March 2009: 13.4 State March 2008: 7.9
Percent of Total Employment Engaged in Manufacturing Percent of Employment in Manufacturing State: 12
Job Creation is Vital Source: George Erickcek:
Job Creation is Vital Even for Manufacturing Source: George Erickcek:
We Perceive Opportunities in Recessions Job creation exists in Michigan –Small firms create about 64% of all new jobs –Between 2002 and 2004, over 2 million additional firms with fewer than 500 employees were established in the U.S. If Michigan seeks to reinvent itself –Recessions generate entrepreneurs –We perceive new opportunities to engage entrepreneurs. If only we can find funding.
MI-SBTDC 2008: Jobs Creation
MI-SBTDC 2008: Sales Generation
MI-SBTDC 2008: Tax Generation
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