GREEN CORP’S Blue Team Stock Trading System Fall 2000 Software Engineering I
AGENDA Stock Trading System Overview System Design / Architecture Functional Requirements System Demonstration Conclusion
OVERVIEW Web based –Usable with Standard Browser JAVA –Java Server Pages Architecture Off-the-Shelf Hardware and Software Components –Tomcat JSP Processor from Apache/Sun System Demonstration –Simulated Stock Market –Real Market System Hook-up Capabilities Multiple Simultaneous Users
ARCHITECTURE JSP/Servlet Architecture Major Subsystems Model-View-Controller Typical Component Observer-Notifier Command Based Extensibility
JSP/Servlet Architecture BrowserWeb Server Get a page w/parameters JSP Processor. It's not a.html file, so pass it off to the JSP processor, which is a servlet It gets the request which contains the whole URL File System Get the Main.jsp file and compile it if necessary JO/Bean } Functional Code (MVC Objects) Return HTMLcode JSP file contains mix of HTML tags and JSP script. Return HTML code Execute Compiled Main.jsp
Major Subsystems
Model-View-Controller Models – Domain objects, implemented in STS through components. Views – JSP and view object correspond to a forms. One view per form per session. Views are contained in View package Controller – AppController provides message dispatching and session state.
Typical Component Factory – manufactures facades (interfaces) for component. ViewNotifier – accepts view registrations and notifies those views. The rest is implementation specific.
Command Based Requests go to the AppController. The AppController asks the requestReceiver for a Command. The Command is delivered to the AppController based on the request particulars. The AppController calls execute() on the command.
Command Based
Observer-Notifier Views implement ViewObserver interface. Components contain a ViewNotifier object. Notifiers call observers when component state changes occur on ViewSubjects. Observer
Extensibility New JSP Files for new forms New view object for each JSP New command class for each new transaction Modify RequestReceiver to return new command objects Modify ViewFactory to return new view objects New functional components go in their own package with a: –Façade factory –View Notifier
FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS User Accounts –Login ID and Password –Multiple User Capability Cash Accounts –One Account per User –Updated based on Buy / Sell Transactions Account Deposits –$10,000 Increments
FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS Quotes –Available for all Simulated Stocks –Displays Current Price per Share –52 Week High Stock Price –52 Week Low Stock Price Order Types –Market Orders Only Buy and Sell
FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS Transactions –Buy Stock Verifies Adequate Cash Available in Cash Account Account Summary –Current Cash Balance –Names of Stocks Held –Number of Shares Held per Stock –Value of each Stock Held –Total Value Cash + Stock
FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS Transaction History –Transaction Date –Stock Purchased / Sold –Number of Shares Purchased / Sold –Price per Share at Time of Transaction –Total Value Number of Shares / Value per Share
CONCLUSION Questions & Answers Customer Feedback