The forward detectors of CDF and D0 K. Goulianos EDS 2009, June 29-July 3 1 The forward Detectors of CDF and D0 Konstantin Goulianos The Rockefeller University 13th International Conference on Elastic & Diffractive Scattering (13th "Blois Workshop") CERN, 29th June - 3rd July 2009
The forward detectors of CDF and D0 K. Goulianos EDS 2009, June 29-July 3 2 CDF & D0 - Run II Z(m) D S Q2Q2 Q3Q3 Q4Q4 S A1A1 A2A2 P 1U P 2I P 2O P 1D D2 D Q4Q4 Q3Q3 Q2Q2 From Barreto’s talk in small-x D0 LM 2.5<η<4.4 VC 5.2<η<5.9 Z(m) p D Q2Q2 Q3Q3 Q4Q4 p RP3RP Q4Q4 Q3Q3 Q2Q2 MP 3.5<η<5.5 BSC1 5.5<η<7.5 RP2 SS BSC4 BSC2 BSC3BSC2 BSC3 CDF CDF & D0 COMPLIMENTARY COVERAGE
The forward detectors of CDF and D0 K. Goulianos EDS 2009, June 29-July 3 3 The Forward Detectors of CDF
The forward detectors of CDF and D0 K. Goulianos EDS 2009, June 29-July 3 4 BSC: Beam Shower Counters
The forward detectors of CDF and D0 K. Goulianos EDS 2009, June 29-July 3 5 CLC: Cerenkov Luminosity Counters
The forward detectors of CDF and D0 K. Goulianos EDS 2009, June 29-July 3 6 The CDF MiniPlug
The forward detectors of CDF and D0 K. Goulianos EDS 2009, June 29-July 3 7 MiniPlug Construction About 1500 wavelength shifting fibers of 1 mm dia. are ‘strung’ through holes drilled in 36x¼” lead plates sandwiched between reflective Al sheets and guided into bunches to be viewed individually by multi-channel photomultipliers.
The forward detectors of CDF and D0 K. Goulianos EDS 2009, June 29-July 3 8 An Exclusive e + e - Candidate M ee = 50 GeV
The forward detectors of CDF and D0 K. Goulianos EDS 2009, June 29-July 3 9 Measurements w / the MiniPlugs ADC counts in MiniPlug towers in a pbar-p event at 1960 GeV. “jet” indicates an energy cluster and may be just a hadron counts ~ 1 GeV Multiplicity of SD and ND events ENERGY MP TOWER STRUCTURE POSITION NIM A 430 (1999) NIM A 496 (2003) NIM A 518 (2004)
The forward detectors of CDF and D0 K. Goulianos EDS 2009, June 29-July 3 10 RPS Tracking Calibration with RPS tracking 0.055< ξ RPS <0.060 slice
The forward detectors of CDF and D0 K. Goulianos EDS 2009, June 29-July 3 11 Diffractive Dijet Signal Low InstLum ~0.5E data: ~1.5E31 BG ND dijet + soft SD
The forward detectors of CDF and D0 K. Goulianos EDS 2009, June 29-July 3 12 Dynamic Alignment of RPS Detectors Method: iteratively adjust the RPS X and Y offsets from the nominal beam axis until a maximum in the b-slope is t=0. Limiting factors 1-statistics 2-beam size 3-beam CDF W /lowlum data
The forward detectors of CDF and D0 K. Goulianos EDS 2009, June 29-July 3 13 P L Balance M W MWMW M W - data vs. expectation
The forward detectors of CDF and D0 K. Goulianos EDS 2009, June 29-July 3 14 E T jet Calibration Calibrate E t jet or , as you wish! use RPS information to check jet energy corrections
The forward detectors of CDF and D0 K. Goulianos EDS 2009, June 29-July 3 15 thank you