Scanning apparatus
Final tune ups Repeatability: move in a given steps and see if we can get the same amounts. Calibration: mainly to convert any given distances in mm into number of steps. Include the physical limits inside the LabView code (it will be the size of the flange in the back of the box). Make a z-reference. Check if the laser is ready to be used.
Calibration X Y We do have linearity. Using the previous calibration, we also have linearity.
Look at the code Takes into account all the inputs received
Front panel appearance Inputs Error messages
Z- reference Use a block to be the reference for the 1.4cm distance between the laser and the detector. 1.4 cm
Operate the laser The TIA-950 Optical to Electrical Converter is a convenient battery-based detector/ amplifier that mounts directly on the input of a scope, digitize, or other readout device. With a band width of DC to 750 MHz, it accurately provides an electrical replica of the optical signal presented to it. TIA – 950 O/E Converter
Box in its place
Another view of the box