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Presentation transcript:

Michelle Smith Instructor: Contact Information:

Syllabus Schedule Assignments Handouts Class Web Sites:

Lecture: Section MTWRF 10-11:15 HCC Bld 5, R105 Class Time & Location

Instructor’s Office Location & Hours Bld 5, R105 TR 9:30-10 or by apt.

Class Policies Attendance: Mandatory Come Prepared: Read assignments Review lecture notes and outlines

Please turn it off before arriving to class! Cell Phones

Meets general education core requirements for a biological science course.

This class is designed for the non-science major.

To provide students with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world To identify and analyze environmental problems both natural and human-made. To evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems, and to examine alternative solutions for resolving and/or preventing them. Course Goals

1.Science is a process. Science is a method of learning more about the world. Science constantly changes the way we understand the world. 2.Energy conversions underlie all ecological processes. Energy cannot be created; it must come from somewhere. As energy flows through systems, at each step more of it becomes unusable. 3.The Earth itself is one interconnected system. Natural systems change over time and space. Biogeochemical systems vary in ability to recover from disturbances. Environment & Ecology This science field is interdisciplinary; it embraces a wide variety of topics from different areas of study.

4. Humans alter natural systems. Humans have had an impact on the environment for millions of years. Technology and population growth have enabled humans to increase both the rate and scale of their impact on the environment. 5. Environmental problems have a cultural and social context. Understanding the role of cultural, social and economic factors is vital to the development of solutions. 6. Human survival depends on developing practices that will achieve sustainable systems. A suitable combination of conservation and development is required. Management of common resources is essential. Environment & Ecology

Environmental Science is the study of how humans interact with their environment. Our environment is everything that surrounds us, both natural and man- made. What Is Environmental Science?

Ecology is the study of how animals and plants interact with their environment. This science looks at interrelationships between land, sea, the atmosphere and the living things that occupy these environments. What Is Ecology?

Greenhouse gas emission Pollution Ozone depletion Endangered species Coral bleaching Sea level rise Overfishing Overpopulation Global Issues

ATTENDANCE: Mandatory for legitimate absence 100 points Unexcused absence deduction of 10 points

HOMEWORK Mastering Environmental Science Weekly assignments 100 points

REACTION PAPERS: 1.Threats to Biodiversity 2.Effect of VOG 2-3 pages types double spaced 100 points each Attach article

Review Session You ask questions Jeopardy game Ecology SymbiosisSuccessionCommunityBiodiversityPotluck

EXAMINATIONS: points each Non cumulative 50 multiple choice questions Book questions included on exams Closed book, but allowed 1-sided 3x5 note card

EXAMINATIONS: Bring your own scantron At bookstore 6 for $1.25

Missed Exam Policy No retest unless a legitimate reason Take exam next class time Contact your instructor ( )!

1. 4 assignments worth up to 5 points toward your exam. Due at each exam. Last one due 1 week early. 2. Attend a lecture at Waikiki Aquarium, Hanauma Bay Education Center, participate in a beach or algae cleanup… 3. Review an article related to class content (e.g., Discover magazine, National Geographic, local paper…). Internet Journals O.K. 4. Write a 1 page summary-reaction paper, typed, double spaced, size 12 font. Attach article to paper (photocopy or cut it out).

GRADES: Attendance 100 pts Homework 100 pts Reaction Paper points each) 200 pts Exams points each) 600 pts Total 1000 points

No plus or minus final grades Grading Grade cutoffs: A = above 90% B = 80%-89% C = 70%-79% D = 60%-69% F = below 59%

Cheating Plagiarism See student handbook on conduct code or

Textbook Essential Environment: The Science behind the Stories with MasteringEnvironmentalScience, 4/E Jay H Withgott & M. Laposata, ISBN-10: ISBN-13: Publisher: Benjamin Cummings Copyright: 2012 Format: Paper Package; 464 pp Published: 09/16/2011 Suggested retail price: $122.87

Options MasteringEnvironmentalScience ® -- Instant Access -- for Essential Environment: The Science behind the Stories, 4/E Withgott & Laposata Online purchase price: $42.90 MasteringEnvironmentalScience ® with Pearson eText -- Instant Access -- for Essential Environment: The Science behind the Stories, 4/E Withgott & Laposata Online purchase price: $

Options Essential Environment: The Science behind the Stories, Books a la Carte Plus MasteringEnvironmentalScience ®, 4/E Suggested retail price: $83.73 (3-ring binder version) Essential Environment: The Science behind the Stories, CourseSmart eTextbook, 4/E Withgott & Laposata Online purchase price: $

Essential Environment : The Science Behind the Stories Coursesmart.com eTextbook:

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iSwifter Skyfire photon For ipad you need a flash enabler to run Mastering Environmental Science itunes app store Flash Enabler

Hawaii is an Ideal Place to Study Biology

Most Unique Plants Silversword

Rare Native Birds Nene

Unusual Insects & their Relatives Happy Face Spider

Complex Environments

Need: Understand & protect this heritage

Many Important Societal Issues Involve Science Decisions on solutions or remediation can’t be delayed Many issues are critical concerns

Population Pressures Population Pressures Natural Disasters Natural Disasters Resource Exploitation Resource Exploitation Environmental Degradation Environmental Degradation

Lifestyle Decisions Health Care

Epidemic Diseases Next crisis?

Genetic Engineering

Key Themes Our relationship with the environment on a personal and global level The strong interaction between science and society Human population growth and Earth’s carrying capacity?

Key Themes Sustainability for a global economy Placing value on the environment in a utilitarian, ecological, moral, cultural and aesthetical perspective

How to Succeed in this Class Review lecture notes as often as possible. Read the text. Making flashcards for each new vocabulary word presented. Establish study groups and study together. Ask questions.

Why Biology 124? We are at the right place There are very important problems We have a good basic knowledge Knowing biology will help your overall understanding of life

Reminders Make sure you have access to the class web site: Withgott, J. & M. Laposata, Essential Environment. (4 th ed.). (bookstore)

Questions The course instructor’s name is: The instructor suggested that the best way to get help for the course is to: The title of the Biology 124 textbook is: The Biology 124 course URL (web address) is: A primary goal of this course is to: The best place to get the dates of the exams is: